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I have a menu with submenu with a structure like this:

    <a class="navigation-item">Menu Item 1</a>
    <a class="submenu-toggle" />
    <ul class="submenu">
        <a class="navigation-item">Submenu Item 1</a>

I want to add a class to submenu-toggle if Submenu Item 1 is selected. How can I find the submenu-toggle in this case?

closest('li') won’ work, this will only find the li after the submenu. closest('li > .submenu-toggle') doesn’t work either because the .submenu-toggle has to be an ancestor of the submenu item. If I could select the correct li, I could then use find('.submenu-toggle'). But how do I select the correct li?



  1. To achieve this, you can traverse the DOM to find the correct li element that contains both the submenu-toggle
    and the selected submenu item.

    $(document).ready(function() {
      // Assuming 'Submenu Item 1' is selected
      $('.submenu .navigation-item').on('click', function() {
        // Find the closest 'li' ancestor that contains the submenu
        var parentLi = $(this).closest('ul.submenu').parent('li');
        // Find the 'submenu-toggle' within that 'li'
        var submenuToggle = parentLi.find('.submenu-toggle');
        // Add the desired class to the 'submenu-toggle'
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  2. It is way better to find the root of the context, i.e., the container and do the actions relative to that. In the snippet below I loop the li children of #myul as the roots of the contexts, create a click handler on the .navigation-item which will toggle the active class of submenu-toggle.

    $(function() {
        $("#myul > li").each(function() {
            let that = $(this);
            that.find("a.navigation-item").click(function() {
    }); {
        color: green;
    <script src=""></script>
    <ul id="myul">
        <a class="navigation-item">Menu Item 1</a>
        <a class="submenu-toggle">some text</a>
        <ul class="submenu">
            <a class="navigation-item">Submenu Item 1</a>
        <a class="navigation-item">Menu Item 2</a>
        <a class="submenu-toggle">some text</a>
        <ul class="submenu">
            <a class="navigation-item">Submenu Item 2</a>
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  3. You need to traverse the DOM structure from the selected submenu item up to the parent <li> thaat contains both the submenu and the toggle button. Then, you can find the .submenu-toggle within that parent <li>.

    // Assuming the selected submenu item has a class 'selected'
    $('.submenu .navigation-item.selected').parents('li').first().find('> .submenu-toggle').addClass('active');
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  4. I don’t know how it translates to jquery, but in plain Javascript you can just do:".submenu-toggle").classList.add("new-class")
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  5. Regardless of the already above commented approach of mine …

    A real generic one with no jQuery needed, just the closest and the querySelector methods together with css-selectors … yourInnerElementReference.closest('li:has(.submenu-toggle)').querySelector('.submenu-toggle'). Have a look at the functional :has() CSS pseudo-class

    … there is a big chance that the OP does not need any JavaScript based solution at all in order to style the toggle-element. This of cause does not imply that JS is entirely obsolete in order to achieve all of the required menu-behaviors, but I would give even that one a real good try.

    .menu {
      display: inline-block;
      li {
        margin: 4px 0;
      > li {
        position: relative;
        margin: 12px 0;
        > .toggle {
          position: absolute;
          top: 0;
          right: 0;
    .submenu:has(a:active, a:focus, a:target) {
      + .toggle {
        color: green;
    <ul class="menu">
        <a href="#">Menu Item 1</a>
        <ul class="submenu">
            <a href="#">Submenu Item 1.1</a>
            <a href="#">Submenu Item 1.2</a>
        <div tabindex="0" class="toggle">toggle</div>
        <a href="#">Menu Item 2</a>
        <ul class="submenu">
            <a href="#">Submenu Item 2.1</a>
            <a href="#">Submenu Item 2.2</a>
        <div tabindex="0" class="toggle">toggle</div>
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