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This is my

S3_READY_MESSAGE="s3 is ready"
NGINX_READY_MESSAGE="nginx is ready"

Bash to output variables

$ echo $(cat ../../../.env.test | grep -o -E '^[^#]+')


S3_READY_MESSAGE="s3 is ready" NGINX_READY_MESSAGE="nginx is ready"

Bash to export variables

export $(cat ../../../.env.test | grep -o -E '^[^#]+')


bash: export: `ready"': not a valid identifier
bash: export: `ready"': not a valid identifier



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I originally had a solution which exported fine but it doesn't work with quoted content that has spaces.

    solution 1 - CON: only works with no spaces in value


    var="something with spaces was not ok"
    export $(cat ./.env | grep -o -E '^[^#]+' | xargs)

    solution 2 CON: Uses eval, so may be deemed unsafe.

    (As long as I am doing this manually then I know the file I'm exporting so don't mind using eval in this case.)

    #  output .env   | replace each valid line with export | remove comments
    #  || export all          ||    val=something               ||
    #  /                     /    export val=something        /
    eval $(cat ./.env | sed -E 's/^(w)/export 1/g'         | grep -o -E '^[^#]+')

  2. For this particular sample input you can make use of bash's set -a/+a in conjunction with sourcing .env.test:

    $ set -a                                 # enable  auto-export of variable assignments
    $ source ../../../.env.test              # alternatively replace 'source' with '.'
    $ set +a                                 # disable auto-export of variable assignments


    declare -x S3_READY_MESSAGE="s3 is ready"
    declare -x NGINX_READY_MESSAGE="nginx is ready"
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