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I’m working on a Flutter app and wondering about best practices related to placing functions inside or outside the build method.

For example, I have two versions of a simple onPressed function. One is defined inside the build method:

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) { 
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Inside Build')),
      body: Center(
        child: ElevatedButton(
          onPressed:() {
             //... do something
          child: Text('Press Me'),

And another one where the function is placed outside the build method:

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {

  void _showMessage(BuildContext context) {
    //... do something

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Outside Build')),
      body: Center(
        child: ElevatedButton(
          onPressed: () => _showMessage(context),
          child: Text('Press Me'),

My Questions:

  1. Is there any performance difference between defining a function inside or outside the build method?
  2. From a clean code perspective, which approach is preferable?
  3. Are there any cases where defining a function inside or outside the build method is a better choice?



  1. I’d recommend keeping functions outside the build method. It keeps your code cleaner and avoids recreating the function every time the widget rebuilds, which is better for performance. If it’s a simple one-liner, defining it inside is fine, but for anything more, it’s best to separate the logic.

    using outside:

    • Better for performance in cases where the widget is rebuilt
      frequently. This approach is recommended when the function contains
      more complex logic, is used in multiple places, or needs to access
      class-level state.

    using inside:

    • For very simple, one-off functions, defining them inside the build
      method can be convenient.
    • Keeps everything in one place, which might
      be preferable for very small widgets.
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  2. Performance:

    • Negligible in most cases: Defining a function inside or outside the build method generally has little performance impact. Flutter’s efficient widget tree management minimizes overhead.
    • Complex logic or heavy processing: For functions that involve significant data processing or complex calculations, defining them outside the build method can avoid unnecessary recalculations during rebuilds. However, performance benefits should be measured using profiling tools to ensure real gains.

    Clean Code:

    • Reusability and readability: Defining functions outside the build method promotes code reuse, modularity, and reduces duplication. It also separates UI construction from business logic, making the code easier to read and maintain.
    • Testing: Functions placed outside the build method can be easily tested in isolation, which improves the overall testability and reliability of your code.

    Best Practices:

    • Default to outside: It’s generally advisable to place functions outside the build method unless they are very simple or only used within the specific widget. This keeps the build method focused on UI layout.
    • Balance performance and readability: Always prioritize readability while keeping performance in mind. Avoid complex logic inside the build method, but ensure that performance improvements are verified through profiling.


    Placing functions outside the build method is generally the best practice for improved performance, reusability, and cleaner code. However, always consider the specific context of your code and profile performance if it’s a concern. Following these guidelines will help you write more maintainable and efficient Flutter applications.

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