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I’m a noob in the recursive domain in that I understand the syntax but I’m unable to apply it to my current problem. I’m using Postgre SQL.

I have a product_id ‘ABC123’ that has a parent category ‘FG_ACC_CA’, which itself has parent category ‘FG_ACC’, which also has a parent category ‘FG’. The ‘FG’ does not have a parent category.

I’m trying to use recursive query to find the top most parent of the given product_id.
Here parent_id & product_id are columns and product_category & product_product are their respective tables.

The syntax that I’m trying to use is this
enter image description here

Here’s the query I’ve written:

with recursive ancestor as 
    select pc.parent_id as temp
    from product_product pp 
    left join product_category pc on = pp.categ_id
    where pp.product_id = 'ABC123'


    select temp
    from ancestor a
    where a.temp != Null
select *
from ancestor

The results I get is just the parent_id of ABC123. So I guess I’m butchering the recursive part after union.

Also while researching I’ve come across multiple parent-child examples but they all use ‘inner join’ instead of ‘where’ even though they explain the concept with ‘where’ as a recursive condition. Couldn’t figure out why.



  1. In the recursive clause, the recursive table (product_category) must be included in the query and joined with the results of the recursion (ancestor).

    with recursive ancestor as (
        select pc.parent_id as temp
        from product_product pp
        left join product_category pc on = pp.categ_id
        where pp.product_id = 'ABC123'
        union all
        select pc.parent_id as temp
        from product_category pc
        inner join ancestor a on a.temp =
        where a.temp is not null
    select temp from ancestor;
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  2. Without some sample data it is hard to offer an answer.
    If your data looks something like this:

    product_category table

    id parent_id category
    1 1 FG
    2 1 FG_ACC
    3 2 FG_ACC_CA
    4 4 GG
    5 4 GG_BDD

    product_product table

    id product category_id
    11 ABC123 3
    12 DEF456 5

    … no need for recursion – you could use self joins to get the root category of your products …

      ancestors AS
        ( Select, pc_0.parent_id as root_id, 
                    pc_0.parent_id, pc_0.category, 
           as child_id,
                    pp.product, as product_id
          From      product_category pc_0
          Left Join product_category pc_1 ON( pc_1.parent_id = )
          Left Join product_product pp ON( pp.category_id = )
          Where     pc_0.parent_id IN( Select id From product_category Where id = parent_id ) And
           Is Not Null 
    Select  DISTINCT 
                a.product_id, a.product, a.root_id, pc.category as root_category
    From        ancestors a
    Inner Join  product_category pc ON( = a.root_id )
    Order By    a.product_id

    R e s u l t :

    product_id product root_id root_category
    11 ABC123 1 FG
    12 DEF456 4 GG

    … if your product could be deeper in hierarchy ( added root 0 ) …

    product_category table ( added id 0 )

    id parent_id category
    0 0 F
    1 0 FG
    2 1 FG_ACC
    3 2 FG_ACC_CA
    4 4 GG
    5 4 GG_BDD

    … you will need to add another selfjoin ( pc_2 ) and adjust ON conditions for pp table …

      ancestors AS
        ( Select, pc_0.parent_id as root_id, 
                    pc_0.parent_id, pc_0.category, 
           as child_id, as grandchild_id,
                    pp.product, as product_id
          From      product_category pc_0
          Left Join product_category pc_1 ON( pc_1.parent_id = )
          Left Join product_category pc_2 ON( pc_2.parent_id = )
          Left Join product_product pp ON( pp.category_id IN(, ) )
          Where     pc_0.parent_id IN( Select id From product_category Where id = parent_id ) And
           Is Not Null 
    Select  DISTINCT 
                a.product_id, a.product, a.root_id, pc.category as root_category
    From        ancestors a
    Inner Join  product_category pc ON( = a.root_id )
    Order By    a.product_id

    R e s u l t :

    product_id product root_id root_category
    11 ABC123 0 F
    12 DEF456 4 GG


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