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I’m trying to use phpSPO to get the files from our sharepoint ‘My Sites’.

Getting the ‘Shared Documents’ is working with getFolderByServerRelativeUrl("Shared Documents"),
but when I try to use getFolderByServerRelativeUrl("sites/office") it is not retrieving any files/folders.

Here is a code sample I am using:

$parentFolderUrl="Shared Documents"; => this works
// $parentFolderUrl="sites/office"; => this does not work
// $parentFolderUrl="/sites/office"; => this does not work

function forEachFile(Folder $parentFolder, $recursive, callable $action, $level=0)
    $files = $parentFolder->getFiles()->get()->executeQuery();
    /** @var File $file */
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        $action($file, $level);

    if ($recursive) {
        /** @var Folder $folder */
        $folders = $parentFolder->getFolders()->get()->executeQuery();
        // foreach ($parentFolder->getFolders() as $folder) {
        foreach ($folders as $folder) {
            forEachFile($folder, $recursive, $action, $level++);

$rootFolder = $ctx->getWeb()->getFolderByServerRelativeUrl($parentFolderUrl);

forEachFile($rootFolder, true, function (File $file,$level){
  echo $level, ":", $file->getServerRelativeUrl(), "<br>", PHP_EOL;

What am I doing wrong?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I hate to answer my own question, but the reason was the initial connection.

    After changing the url from '' to '', I was able to display the files.

    $siteUrl = "https://<subdomain>";
    $credentials = new ClientCredential($settings['ClientId'], $settings['ClientSecret']);
    $ctx = (new ClientContext($siteUrl))->withCredentials($credentials);

    I hope this answer helps others

  2. below is a revised version of your code with added logging and proper path handling:

    The issue you’re facing likely stems from how the server-relative URL is being specified. The problem could also be related to permissions or incorrect folder paths.

    use Office365SharePointFile;
    use Office365SharePointFolder;
    function forEachFile(Folder $parentFolder, $recursive, callable $action, $level = 0)
        try {
            $files = $parentFolder->getFiles()->get()->executeQuery();
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                $action($file, $level);
            if ($recursive) {
                $folders = $parentFolder->getFolders()->get()->executeQuery();
                foreach ($folders as $folder) {
                    forEachFile($folder, $recursive, $action, $level + 1);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo "Error accessing folder: " . $e->getMessage();
    $parentFolderUrl = "/sites/office/Shared Documents"; // Adjust the path here
    try {
        $rootFolder = $ctx->getWeb()->getFolderByServerRelativeUrl($parentFolderUrl);
        forEachFile($rootFolder, true, function (File $file, $level) {
            echo $level, ":", $file->getServerRelativeUrl(), "<br>", PHP_EOL;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

    Please try and let me know.

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