I’m building a page using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, where I am dynamically generating some classes based on JavaScript variables. Some classes, like padding and border styles, are working as expected, but Tailwind CSS classes for rounded corners (such as rounded-t-xl and rounded-b-xl) are not being applied, even though the classes are correctly generated in the code.
Here is the code I’m using:
export default function Page() {
const padding = 'p-2';
const borderClass = 'border border-gray-800';
const round = 'xl';
const roundClass = 'rounded-' + round;
const roundClassT = 'rounded-t-' + round;
const roundclassB = 'rounded-b-' + round;
return (
<div className={`mt-16 w-96 h-96 mx-auto my-auto flex flex-col ${borderClass} ${roundClass}`}>
<div className={` w-full ${padding} bg-gray-400 ${roundClassT} `}>
<div className="flex-grow p-2">
roundClassT: {roundClassT} <br />
roundclassB: {roundclassB}
<div className={`w-full ${padding} bg-gray-400 ${roundclassB}`}>
- The static Tailwind classes (like border, bg-gray-400, and padding
classes such as p-2) work fine and are correctly applied. - However,the dynamically generated classes for rounded corners
(rounded-t-xl, rounded-b-xl, rounded-xl) are not applying as
expected. The corners do not appear rounded even though the
classes are being correctly generated in the JSX.
Expected Behavior:
- The rounded-t-xl class should apply rounded corners to the top of the
element. The rounded-b-xl class should apply rounded corners to the
bottom of the element. The rounded-xl class should apply rounded
corners to the entire container.
- Next.js Version: 15.0.4 (with the App Router and src directory
- structure). Tailwind CSS Version: 3.4.16
I’ve ensured that the class names are correct, but they don’t seem to be applied, while other Tailwind CSS utilities like padding and borders work fine.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Any guidance would be appreciated!
In context of next.js, i found the solution. We can use Tailwind's safelist feature (in tailwind.config.js) to ensure that dynamic classes are included in the build.
As per the documentation:
You could consider having the classes written in full instead like: