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I am trying to integrate Clerk into my Next.js 14 app by wrapping the RootLayout in the ClerkProvider. However, I keep encountering this error:

‘ClerkProvider’ cannot be used as a JSX component. Its type ‘(props:
"__unstable_invokeMiddlewareOnAuthStateChange">) => Promise’
is not a valid JSX element type. Type ‘(props:
"__unstable_invokeMiddlewareOnAuthStateChange">) => Promise’
is not assignable to type ‘(props: any, deprecatedLegacyContext?: any)
=> ReactNode’. Type ‘Promise’ is not assignable to type ‘ReactNode’

export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
  children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
  return (
      <html lang="en">
          className={`${geistSans.variable} ${geistMono.variable} antialiased`}

I have already:

  • Followed official documentation
  • Installed the latest version of @clerk/nextjs using npm install @clerk/nextjs@latest.
  • Verified that my Next.js version is 14 and the app directory is being used.
  • Configured middleware.ts for Clerk.

Thanks in advance



  1. Update to react 19 and latest version of clerk

    npm install --save-exact react@^19.0.0 react-dom@^19.0.0 --legacy-peer-deps
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  2. I am having the same error. It seems like NextJS v14.2 have changed the types definitions and @clerk/nextjs is not able to catch up.

    I would say, give it a few days until clerk team release a minor update to fix this linting error.

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