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I have 2 divs which can receive pasted text. They are not editable. How can I visually indicate which one will receive the paste event?

I tried using :focus, but it does nothing by default for divs. I added tabindex to the div, and then :focus worked, but if I click outside the div, it losses the focus attribute but still receives the pasted text

document.querySelectorAll("div").forEach(element => {
            element.addEventListener("paste", event => {
                const text = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData("text");
                const words = text.split(' ').join('n');
                event.currentTarget.innerText = words;



  1. You could simply add a border to the div to make it obvious. If you have a dedicated CSS file:


    You can play around with the color/thickness of the border but you probably want something a little more subtle.


    <div style="border: 1px solid grey"></div>

    You will need to set the style dynamically when the element is selected.

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  2. You can’t get focused on DIV elements out of "onpaste" event listener. You have to create a null or hidden div "lastHiddenDIV" and add it to "onpaste" event listener but prevent it from updating it’s innerHTML using IF statement.
    and put them in a DIV as parent with CSS=overflow:hidden;


    <div style="border:1px solid blue;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;">
    <div class="pasting">aaa</div>
    <div class="pasting">bbb</div>
    <div class="pasting" style="width:100%;height:100%;">lastHiddenDIV</div>


    let pastingEL=document.querySelectorAll(".pasting");
    document.querySelectorAll(".pasting").forEach(element => {
                element.addEventListener("paste", event => {
                    const text = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData("text");
                    const words = text.split(' ').join('n');
                    event.currentTarget.innerText = words;
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  3. Take a look at this and see if it might help you.

    You can only paste text if a div is focused.
    If no div is selected, the text will not be pasted.

    The div that is focused on will be highlighted with a distinct border.

    // Track the currently focused div
    let currentTarget = null;
    document.querySelectorAll("div").forEach(element => {
      // Add a click event to indicate focus
      element.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
        event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent global click handler from interfering
        if (currentTarget) {
        currentTarget = element;
      // Handle paste event
      element.addEventListener("paste", event => {
        if (currentTarget === element) {
          const text = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData("text");
          const words = text.split(' ').join('n');
          element.innerText = words;
    // Global click handler to clear focus if clicking outside
    document.addEventListener("click", () => {
      if (currentTarget) {
        currentTarget = null;
    div {
      padding: 10px;
      margin: 10px;
      border: 1px solid black;
      cursor: pointer;
    div:hover {
      outline: 1px solid blue;
    div.focused {
      outline: 2px solid blue;
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