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I am looking for a way to build a graphQL query to pull order data after a specific order id.
I am using REST today and achieve this by running database query to pull the last loaded order. I then make a call to Shopify and specify:&since_id=<last_loaded_order>.
I’ve looked into examples on Shopify and cannot find the way to do the same thing in graphQL.
Could someone share a link or a snippet of how to do it?



  1. You can take the order creation date and run a query like this

    orders(first:100, query:"created_at:>'2024-30-11T00:00:00Z'") {
       edges {
          node {

    Where 2024-30-11T00:00:00Z is the created_at date of the order. (Note the ”)

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  2. You can filter orders by id


    query($query: String) {
        orders(first: 250, query: "id:>=5834352591016", sortKey: PROCESSED_AT) {
            edges {
                node {

    Note: id is Shopify order id.

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