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TIMESTAMP ‘2004-10-19 10:23:54+02’
is a timestamp with time zone

Question: Why select pg_typeof(TIMESTAMP '2004-10-19 10:23:54+02'); gives timestamp without time zone? Expecting timestamp with time zone as docs say.

Postgres version

SELECT version(); shows
PostgreSQL 14.14 (Debian 14.14-1.pgdg120+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit



  1. As it says in that very documentation you link to:

    PostgreSQL never examines the content of a literal string before determining its type, and therefore will treat both of the above as timestamp without time zone. To ensure that a literal is treated as timestamp with time zone, give it the correct explicit type:

    TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2004-10-19 10:23:54+02'
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  2. timestamp means timestampwithOUTtime zone. That’s the type you used explicitly and that’s what pg_typeof() just repeated after after you.

    timestampTZ means timestampwithtime zone. That’s what you want and that’s the real pg_types.typname.
    demo at db<>fiddle

    select pg_typeof(timestampTZ '2004-10-19 10:23:54+02');
    select pg_typeof(timestampTZ('2004-10-19 10:23:54+02'));
    select pg_typeof('2004-10-19 10:23:54+02'::timestampTZ);
    select pg_typeof(make_timestampTZ(2004,10,19,10,23,52,'+02'));
    select pg_typeof(to_timestamp(1098174234));--no TZ in the name but it returns timestampTZ

    Postgres can always clarify things like that if you ask it to explain verbose:

    explain verbose select timestamp '2004-10-19 10:23:54+02';
    Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=8)
    Output: ‘2004-10-19 10:23:54’::timestamp without time zone
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