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I want to splits a string on '_' and replace 3rd group with 'oooo'.

Is there any way to do it simply and without assuming there’s exactly 5 groups?

CONCAT( SPLIT_PART(test, '_', 1)
       ,SPLIT_PART(test, '_', 2)
       ,SPLIT_PART(test, '_', 4)
       ,SPLIT_PART(test, '_', 5)

turns into this



  1. demo at db<>fiddle

    select regexp_replace(test,'[^_]+','oooo',1,3)
    from examples;

    It’s looking for substrings of 1 or more non-underscores, starting from position 1 and trying to replace the 3rd hit:

    • [] is a group of allowed characters
    • ^ inside a group means it’s a group you wish to exclude
    • _ is just the underscore
    • + means you’re looking for 1 or more of that

    Where to start and which match to replace is handled by the rest of regexp_replace() params:

    regexp_replace ( string text, pattern text, replacement text, start integer, N integer [, flags text ] ) → text
    Replaces the substring that is the N’th match to the POSIX regular expression pattern, or all such matches if N is zero; see Section 9.7.3.

    If you’re fine with the assumption that you always have 5 groups, your idea would work as long as you swap out concat() for concat_ws(). Otherwise you’d lose the underscores you’re splitting on:

    select concat_ws('_',split_part(test, '_', 1)
                        ,split_part(test, '_', 2)
                        ,split_part(test, '_', 4)
                        ,split_part(test, '_', 5) )
    from examples;
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  2. You could also use a regular expression with back references, like:

    regexp_replace(str, '(^[^_]*_[^_]*_)[^_]+(.*$)?','1oooo2')

    Typically not faster.


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  3. Try matching:


    and replacing with:


    See: regex101 and fiddle



    • ^: start of string
    • ((?:[^_]+_){2}): Capture the first two blocks to group 1
    • ([^_]+): Capture the third block to group 2


    • 1: Keep the start
    • oooo: Replace third block with "oooo"
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