I’m making an ecom site. When customer select Product size from dropdown boxes, it sends the correct selected size in backend but showing default value in frontend.
My HTML code for this:
<select class="form-select form-select-sm" id="size-cart{{ product.id }}">
{% for key, value in sizes.items %}
{% if key == product.id %}
<option selected value="{{ value.id }}">{{ value.size }}</option>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for size in all_sizes %}
<option value="{{ size.id }}">{{ size.size }}</option>
{% endfor %}
Frontend related code:
$(document).on('click', '.update-cart', function(e){
var product_id = $(this).data('index');
var product_size = $('#size-cart'+ product_id).val();
console.log("Size: ", product_size);
type: 'POST',
url : "{% url 'cart_update' %}",
data: {
product_id : $(this).data('index'),
product_qty: $('#select' + product_id + ' option:selected').text(),
product_size: product_size,
csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}',
action: 'post'
success: function(json) {
error: function(xhr, errmsg, err){
Related code in views.py file
def cart_update(request):
cart = Cart(request)
if request.POST.get('action') == 'post':
print("request POST data:", request.POST)
product_id = int(request.POST.get('product_id'))
product_qty = int(request.POST.get('product_qty'))
size_id = int(request.POST.get('product_size'))
selected_size = get_object_or_404(Product_Size, id=size_id)
print("Selected size: ", selected_size)
cart.update(product=product_id, quantity = product_qty, size=selected_size)
response = JsonResponse({'qty': product_qty})
messages.success(request, ("Your cart has been updated...."))
return response
Related code in cart.py in Cart class:
def update(self, product, quantity, size):
prdct = get_object_or_404(Product, id=product)
#print(f"Found product: {prdct}")
product_id = str(prdct.id)
product_qty = int(quantity)
print("Size passed in cart.update ", size)
if product_id in self.cart:
self.cart[product_id]['quantity'] = product_qty
if size:
self.cart[product_id]['size']= size.size
print(f"Updated cart: {self.cart[product_id]['size']}")
self.cart[product_id]['size']= None
self.session['cart'] = self.cart
self.session.modified = True
print("session updated: ", self.session.get('cart'))
if self.request.user.is_authenticated:
current_user = Profile.objects.filter(user__id=self.request.user.id)
carty = str(self.cart)
carty = carty.replace("'", """)
return self.cart
In the print()
in cart.update() I’m getting the correct info like which dropdown I selected. And also in Ajax, selected size is passed correctly.
After clicking update button it remains M-32 again. It works perfectly for quantity. How to solve this?
This code is working correct.
Try the following:
Not sure, but it looks like you are asking the HTML to have only the correct
to be selected, but that conditional is bypassed if it doesn’t match. But what then?