I’m using React 19 with Next.js 15, and I’m facing issues with react-quill. The editor component fails to load, causing errors related to incompatible React versions.
Steps tried:
- Installed react-quill (v2.0.0).
- Attempted dynamic imports and custom configurations, but the error persists.
- Tried using different versions of react-quill without success.
This is error message: TypeError: react_dom_1.default.findDOMNode is not a function
I’m looking for solutions and know about react quill.
I'd have solved this problem just minutes ago. I'm looking to solve it and I could.
I just updated the new version of React Quill, I knew through browsing about this problem.
react-quill-new Installed and removed the previous one. I deleted the previous version codes and updated them.
Why you dididnt push it to the main repo?? Its hard to find this bro