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        try {
            const review = await Review.create({
                user: user.userid,
                place_id: pid,
                stars: stars,
                content: content,

            /* await */ User.findByIdAndUpdate(user.userid, {
                $push: {reviews: review._id}

            res.status(200).json(returnResponse(false, "reviewWritten", "-"));

        } catch (error) {

            res.status(500).json(returnResponse(true, "errorAtReviewWriting", "-"));


I have written the code as shown above.

I thought that since I don’t need the return value of User.findByIdAndUpdate, I don’t have to use the await keyword and let it run asynchronously. Why does it only work correctly when I use the await keyword?

When I don’t use the await keyword, It’s not updated at all. Literally.

I have verified that the data has not been edited at all by findById() method after saving.

And, error didn’t occur since the returned response code was 200.



  1. Since mongoose will return a promise when there is no callback, you can use .then if you do not want the await

        user: user.userid,
        place_id: pid,
        stars: stars,
        content: content,
      .then(review => {
        User.findByIdAndUpdate(user.userid, {
          $push: {
            reviews: review._id
        }).exec(); // Returns a fully executable query.
      .then(() => {
        res.status(200).json(returnResponse(false, "reviewWritten", "-"));
      .catch(error => {
        res.status(500).json(returnResponse(true, "errorAtReviewWriting", "-"));
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  2. “Mongoose queries are not promises.

    Queries are thenables, meaning they have a .then() method for async/await as a convenience. However, unlike promises, calling a query’s .then() executes the query…”

    (await uses the .then() of thenables.)

    You can use exec to force execution:

    User.findByIdAndUpdate(user.userid, {
        $push: {reviews: review._id}

    but I wouldn’t recommend it, since if the query fails you’ll get an unhandled rejection, and it’s nice for a response to a request to come only after the effect of the request has actually been (successfully) applied. (For example, with this background .exec(), a follow-up request that came in very quickly could read the pre-update state of the database.*) Just await – straightforward and reliable.

    * This isn’t always a dealbreaker – eventual consistency is a whole thing, and certain Mongo configurations might already exhibit similar behavior – but it’s one more consideration.

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