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I am having problems with attaching a middleware to my existing routes.
Problem is with extra parameters, which cause syntax errors.

My current route:

Route::get('summary/{topicid}/{issueid}', [AppHttpControllersSummaryController::class, 'show']);

Adding the needed middleware is described in the package I am trying to use:

I fail when I am trying to do this:

Route::get('add-to-cart/{topicid}/{issueid}', [AppHttpControllersSummaryController::class, 'show'])->middleware([GrahamCampbellThrottleHttpMiddlewareThrottleMiddleware:10,30]);

The middleware does not cause issues if I omit the :10,30 part.

Attach the middleware with all the parameters.



  1. Try with that two different ways:

    Route::middleware('throttle:10,30')->group(function () {
        Route::get('summary/{topicid}/{issueid}', [AppHttpControllersSummaryController::class, 'show']);


    Route::get('summary/{topicid}/{issueid}', [AppHttpControllersSummaryController::class, 'show'])
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  2. Here’s how you can properly attach the ThrottleMiddleware with parameters

    use GrahamCampbellThrottleHttpMiddlewareThrottleMiddleware;

    Route::get(‘summary/{topicid}/{issueid}’, [AppHttpControllersSummaryController::class, ‘show’])
    ->middleware([ThrottleMiddleware::class . ‘:10,30’]);

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