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I am using zapier chatbot and below is the embed code of the chatbot

<script async type='module' src=''></script>
<zapier-interfaces-chatbot-embed is-popup='true' chatbot-id='*****************'></zapier-interfaces-chatbot-embed>

Using this code, I see the chat icon at the bottom right; it works fine when we click on it(having iframe structure).

Now I have a Contact Us button in the header and when I click on the Contact Us button, I want to open the chatbot automatically

How can I do this?



  1. Try this one It worked on this page (in the console)


    Example implementation (alternatively use a mutationobserver):

    window.addEventListener('load', () => { // when the page has loaded
      let chatButton;
      const contactButton = document.getElementById('ContactUs');
      contactButton.disabled = true;
      const getButton = () => chatButton = document.querySelector('.chatbot-icon-button');
      let tId = setInterval(() => {
        if (!chatButton) return;
        clearInterval(tId); // we are done
        contactButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
          e.preventDefault(); // if needed
      }, 1000);
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  2. If jQuery exists:

    <a href="#" onclick="$('.chatbot-icon-button').click();return false;">Contact us</a>

    or pure js:

    <a href="#" onclick="document.querySelector('.chatbot-icon-button').click();return false">Contact us</a>

    Edition after receiving comment:

    if ChatBot is in an Iframe and the target website allows cross-origin then we have to go deep inside the iframe:

    <a href="#" onclick="openChatbot(); return false;">Contact us</a>
      function openChatbot() {
        const iframe = document.getElementById('chatbot-iframe');
        const iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;
        const chatbotButton = iframeDocument.querySelector('.chatbot-icon-button');
        if (chatbotButton) {
          console.log("can not interact with chat button");
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