The table had a great large of data in one field (TEXT
type). After some data was removed, the table is still the same size. A lot of data was removed that’s why i’m sure that the table has to be much smaller (about 12GiB).
Maybe is there some cache or anything? How can i know the real size of the table?
I executed the query below in order to know the real size of the table, but it shows me the same size (20GiB) every time.
table_name AS `Table`,
round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB`
table_schema = "database name" AND table_name = "table name";
I've found an easier way to resolve this problem. I created a new table with the same columns and move data from my old table and after that, remove the old one. That's it.
Run the following to shrink the file size: