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Before the update of woocommerce:

   $args = array(
   'type' => 'radio',
   'class' => array( 'form-row-wide', 'update_totals_on_change' ),
   'options' => array(
      '0'   => 'Niet vandaag, misschien later (totally oké) <br />',
      '2'   => 'Drinkt iets van mij (€2) <br />',
      '3'   => 'Van mij krijgt ge een bio thee'tje (€3) <br />',
      '5'   => 'Vier ze! Ik schenk je een Kombucha (€5)',
   'label_class' => 'labelafter',
   'default' => $chosen
   echo '<div id="checkout-radio">';
   echo '<h3>Wil je mij virtueel trakteren?</h3>';
   woocommerce_form_field( 'radio_choice', $args, $chosen );
   echo '</div>';

My radio buttons showed up vertically aligned on my website checkout page

After the update
The same code now shows the ‘<br />’ (in the radio button option list on line 5) tag and does not convert the ‘<br />’ tag to an actual line break.

I’ve got no clue why wordpress is suddently showing the tag iso converting it.
Anyone got an idea?



  1. Ideally you’d probably solve this in CSS instead, by just targeting them an applying a display:block on each field.

    But otherwise you can apply a bit of hack. Instead of an HTML <br /> tag, use some string that you know will never exist in any radio button fields, and that is HTML-safe, and replace it in a filter with your <br />;

    // Pick something you know won't exist
    $lineBreakHack = '~!LINE-BREAK!~';
    // Woo will call this hook for all radio buttons, not just yours, but that shouldn't be too much of a perf issue
        function($field, $key, $args, $value){
            return str_replace($lineBreakHack, '<br />', $field);
    // This is mostly the same except we're concatenating our special string
    $args = array(
    'type' => 'radio',
        'class' => array( 'form-row-wide', 'update_totals_on_change' ),
        'options' => array(
          '0'   => 'Niet vandaag, misschien later (totally oké)' . $lineBreakHack,
          '2'   => 'Drinkt iets van mij (€2) <br />' . $lineBreakHack,
          '3'   => 'Van mij krijgt ge een bio thee'tje (€3)' . $lineBreakHack,
          '5'   => 'Vier ze! Ik schenk je een Kombucha (€5)',
        'label_class' => 'labelafter',
        'default' => $chosen
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  2. For custom checkout radio buttons fields, you can use woocommerce_form_field_radio composite hook to add a <br /> tag like:

    add_action( 'woocommerce_form_field_radio', 'customize_form_field_radio', 20, 4 );
    function customize_form_field_radio( $field, $key, $args, $value ) {
        if ( ! empty( $args['options'] ) && 'radio_choice' === $key && is_checkout() ) {
            $field = str_replace( '</label><input ', '</label><br /><input ', $field );
            $field = str_replace( '<label ', '<label style="display:inline;margin-left:8px;" ', $field );
        return $field;

    Code goes in functions.php file of the active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.

    Don’t forget to remove all <br /> from your options array.

    So the display will be:

    enter image description here

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