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I am using this following code to add an email confirmation step to a Woocommerce checkout flow.

 * Add "Confirm Email Address" Field At WooCommerce Checkout

add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'silva_add_email_verification_field_checkout' );
function silva_add_email_verification_field_checkout( $fields ) {
$fields['billing']['billing_email']['class'] = array( 'form-row-wide' );
$fields['billing']['billing_em_ver'] = array(
    'label' => 'Confirm mail Address',
    'required' => true,
    'class' => array( 'form-row-wide' ),
    'clear' => true,
    'priority' => 999,
return $fields;

And this code to add an error, if they do not match.

 * Generate error message if field values are different
add_action('woocommerce_checkout_process', 'bbloomer_matching_email_addresses');
function bbloomer_matching_email_addresses() { 
    $email1 = $_POST['billing_email'];
    $email2 = $_POST['billing_em_ver'];
    if ( strtolower (trim($email2)) !== strtolower(trim($email1) )) {
        wc_add_notice( 'Your email addresses do not match', 'error' );

However, I have the notices (for wc_add_notice) set to display:none; and rely on CSS classes to highlight the erroneous fields.

Is there a way to add a CSS class (.woocommerce-invalid) to ‘billing_em_ver’ if they do not match?

Edit: maybe even somethink like:

if ( strtolower (trim($email2)) !== strtolower(trim($email1) )) {
else {



  1. You can use woocommerce_checkout_fields to check if the checkout form was submitted and if the emails match, then add the class conditionally.

    add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'silva_add_email_verification_field_checkout');
    function silva_add_email_verification_field_checkout($fields)
        $fields['billing']['billing_email']['class'] = array('form-row-wide');
        $fields['billing']['billing_em_ver'] = array(
            'label' => 'Confirm mail Address',
            'required' => true,
            'class' => array('form-row-wide'),
            'clear' => true,
            'priority' => 999,
        // Check if the emails were submitted
        if (isset($_POST['billing_email']) && isset($_POST['billing_em_ver'])) {
            $email1 = $_POST['billing_email'];
            $email2 = $_POST['billing_em_ver'];
            // Add the CSS class conditionally
            if (strtolower(trim($email2)) !== strtolower(trim($email1))) {
                $fields['billing']['billing_email']['class'][] = 'woocommerce-invalid';
                $fields['billing']['billing_em_ver']['class'][] = 'woocommerce-invalid';
            } else {
                $fields['billing']['billing_email']['class'][] = 'woocommerce-valid';
                $fields['billing']['billing_em_ver']['class'][] = 'woocommerce-valid';
        return $fields;
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  2. You can add CSS class conditionally. So make the condition and use the below code for adding the CSS class to the input fields.

    if($email2 != $email1) {    
       $fields['billing']['billing_email']['class'][0] = 'woocommerce-invalid';
       $fields['billing']['billing_em_ver']['class'][0] = 'woocommerce-invalid';
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