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So I am working on a simple next js application A Blog System. So like a basic blog, I have a posts section where I see all my posts that i have ever posted.

The post page is a dynamic route named


So i used a getStaticPaths and getStaticProps for extracting the title and fetching the data from the mongodb database. It is all working great.

But I have another route called


that adds a new post to my database and my readers can see these. So the function is working and when I create a new post it is saved in the database but when I try to access it with url of posts/new-post-url I get 404 Not Found error.

I can pretty much understand that the dynamic pages and paths are build on runtime so when I add a new page, it is not in the build folder so 404.

But how to solve it. What I want is the ability to add new pages in my blog and they should be SEO friendly and visible to user. Just like how I posted this question on stack overflow and it will now be accessible by the url and after some time it will take the top spot in google search.

Please help. Thank YOu in advance πŸ™ -> 😐 -> πŸ™‚



  1. To get the fresh data, set revalidate:1 in getStaticProps and fallback:true in getStaticPaths. Check the example below

    export async function getStaticPaths() {
      // make a get request to server to see how many blogs are there
      const json = await new BlogApi().getAll();
      // assuming using axios
      const blogs =;
      const paths = => {
        return {
          params: {id: blog._id}
      // fallback is used to display some content while your content is beign prepared
      return { paths, fallback: true };
    export async function getStaticProps({params}) {
      const json = await new BlogApi().getById(;
      const portfolio =;
      return { props: {portfolio}, revalidate: 1};

    In your component, if fallback:true

    const router = useRouter();
      if (router.isFallback) {
        return <h1>Your page is being preapared</h1>
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  2. Next.JS provides 3 options for serving content.
    SSG Static Site Generator – it builds pages once and serves pregenerated content.
    ISG Incremental Static Regeneration – it allows you to regenerate static pages under certain conditions.
    SSR Server Side Rendering – server will generate a page per request.

    For blog SSG would be the better choice: posts usually don’t change or changes rarely.
    You should use the fallback setting in getStaticPaths. You have to set fallback to true or 'blocking'.

    true – the new paths will serve as a fallback on the first request, while Next.JS will be generating the page. Then it will swap the fallback to the actual content.
    'blocking' – the new paths will be blocked until the page is generated.

    For both options, all subsequent requests will serve the pre-generated page.

    Keep in my for long building pages you can get a timeout error. By default, it’s 60 seconds, but you always can tune it by staticPageGenerationTimeout.

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