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PHP Version 5.4.16

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I’m trying to redirect some pages from my website to the home of another website, but I can’t seem to make it work.
Currently i have this:

redirect 301 /portalweb

It works if the url is exactly if add anything after the portalweb it redirects to this:

I have tried the following solutions:

redirect 301 /portalweb$

Redirect "/portalweb$" ""

RedirectMatch ^portalweb/$

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule    "^portalweb$"  "" [R,L]
RewriteRule    "^portalweb/$"  "" [R,L]

When i add any of the solutions above, it just doesn’t work at all. It seems that the $ character make the redirect not work.

Thanks in advance.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Using the answer that was sugested by @MichaelWarner. I notice that i was missing a 301 in my RedirectMatch

    This worked: RedirectMatch 301 ^/portalweb/$ I don't know why the 301 did the trick, if someone explain it to me, i would be glad.

  2. RedirectMatch is equivalent to Redirect, but makes use of regular expressions, as exampled here.

    Redirect default status code is 302 as explained here.

    If you change the status code to 301 this should fix it.

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