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I have a big problem and I didn’t find any solution for solve it first when I upload the app in the Google play I found this warning:

There is no deobfuscation file associated with this App Bundle

After research I found the problem with mapping file and I minifyEnabled = true but when I added I found that problem Missing class: org.conscrypt.ConscryptHostnameVerifier and when I try open the app not working when I try call API not response any thing
and I searched a lot but without any benefit and I found all of solution but didn’t success any solution with me. Anybody has a solution ?

Edit 1:

When I debug the error I found that error "Parameter specified as non-null is null: method j.u.b.g.e, parameter message" in that method

protected fun <T> withLiveData(liveData: APILiveData<T>): SingleObserver<DataWrapper<T>> {
    return object : SingleObserver<DataWrapper<T>> {
        override fun onError(e: Throwable) {}
        override fun onSuccess(t: DataWrapper<T>) = liveData.postValue(t)
        override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) {



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After a lot of search and a lot of try I found the problem but it is very difficult when I put minifyEnabled = true as I mentioned I found there are a lot of classes deleted and that need to me I go to all project step by step check is that class deleted or not and If deleted must put in a file same that way

    -keepclassmembers class  io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers{
                                                          public *;

    but that will take a lot of times.

  2. Adding minifyEnabled true will obfuscate your code. It is a security measure to ensure that the code written cannot be read by reverse-engineering the compiled app. But it will mess up all your app if you haven’t added the proper ProGuard rules.

    You can build the app with minifyEnabled false and upload the bundle to Play and ignore the warning for now. But start searching on "Android Obfuscation".

    Shrink, obfuscate, and optimize your app

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  3. You have to add ProGuard rules. when you set minifyEnabled true, It detects any code or libraries that aren’t being used and ignores them from your final apk/aab. So you should add data classes of your model to ProGuard.
    Check this Common Proguard Rules

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