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My cakephp project works perfectly on localhost, but doesn’t work when I upload it to a hosted server.

This is the setup on my cPanel File Manager of hosted server:

    // webroot contents goes here

    // necessary app directories go here

I made sure to change WWW_ROOT in mycakeapp/config/paths.php on line 52:

define(‘WWW_ROOT’, ‘/home/username/public_html/test’ . DS);

I also changed index.php in public_html/test in the following 3 lines so that it correctly requires necessary files:

require '/home/username/mycakeapp/config/requirements.php';
require '/home/username/mycakeapp/vendor/autoload.php';
$server = new Server(new Application('/home/username/mycakeapp/config'));

After doing this, when i open the, the site correctly opens the home.ctp file. However, upon going to other pages like, it gives an error message like so:

The requested URL /test/users was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

My home.ctp file only has pure HTML code, so I guess it works fine. However, going to other sites which has CakePHP code, it doesn’t seem to work at all. Plz help!



  1. You should try changing App.base parameter in ./config/app.php like so:

    'App' => [
        // ...
        'base' => '/test',
        // ...

    See the documentation here.

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  2. Upload your .htaccess file.

    The part that’s not working is the one that rewrites requests for “pretty” URLs like /users into requests for PHP scripts like /index.php?q=/users. The .htaccess file does that.

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