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Hi I have recently started creating a custom theme for wordpress with understrap and I want to replace the code of the original mobile menu with my own. The issue is that i can not find where the original one is saved. Does anyone have any answer for this?

Thank you in advanced.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you for your help guys both advaces were very useful. The solution I came up with is to create a separate php file for the modal and use the include commant into my header file so it loads up in every page and so far it works. I hope this might help anyone who phase the same problem.

  2. I often use file-seek to search a file.
    Download theme file, and search it.
    hope this will help u

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  3. Understrap extends WordPress’ Walker_Nav_Menu class. You can find the Understrap’s Nav Walker Class at [theme root]/inc/class-wp-bootstrap-navwalker.php.

    Here is a link to Understrap’s Walker Class in their Git repo:


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