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I’m using PHP DOMDocument in order to loop through an html string like this:

$htmlString = "<section>

I want to replace each tag with a text value with a custom string (called $vueInterpolation), but for some reason.

ONLY the first tag of each section is getting its contents replaced!

I want all the tags inside each section to be replaced!

My method:

$dom = new DOMDocument();

$htmlString = mb_convert_encoding($htmlString, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');

$count = 0;
$keyPattern = 'ccpaRights';

foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('section') as $section)

    // loop through each child of <section>
    foreach ($section->childNodes as $childNode)
         $nodeValue = trim($childNode->nodeValue); 

        if ($nodeValue === '')

        $count = $count + 1;
        $key = (string) $keyPattern.'Text'.$count;
        $vueInterpolation = ' {{ $t('.'"'.$key.'"'.' }} ';

        $newNode = $dom->createElement($childNode->nodeName, $vueInterpolation );

        $childNode->parentNode->replaceChild($newNode, $childNode);


Just so you know, this is the results I’m getting (notice only first tag of each section was replaced).

    <p> {{ $t("ccpaRightsText1" }} </p>
    <h2> {{ $t("ccpaRightsText2" }} </h2>

And this is the results I want:

        <p> {{ $t("ccpaRightsText1" }} </p>
        <p> {{ $t("ccpaRightsText2" }} </p>
        <h2> {{ $t("ccpaRightsText3" }} </h2>
            <p> {{ $t("ccpaRightsText4" }} </p>
            <p> {{ $t("ccpaRightsText5" }} </p>



  1. There is an error with your code because whitespaces between elements are considered nodes (#text).

    enter image description here

    So, try replace this line:

    $nodeValue = $childNode->nodeValue; 

    with this line:

    $nodeValue = trim($childNode->nodeValue); 

    The whole code:

    $htmlString = mb_convert_encoding($htmlString, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
    $count = 0;
    $keyPattern = 'ccpaRights';
    foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('section') as $section)
        // loop through each child of <section>
        foreach ($section->childNodes as $childNode)
            $nodeValue = trim($childNode->nodeValue); 
            if ($nodeValue === '')
            $count = $count + 1;
            $key = (string) $keyPattern.'Text'.$count;
            $vueInterpolation = "{{ $t("$key") }}";
            $newNode = $dom->createElement($childNode->nodeName, $vueInterpolation);
            $childNode->parentNode->replaceChild($newNode, $childNode);
    echo $dom->saveHTML($dom);


    I tried to use for loop instead of foreach and it works. I am trying to know the reason but I can’t know it.

    $htmlString = mb_convert_encoding($htmlString, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
    $count = 0;
    $keyPattern = 'ccpaRights';
    foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('section') as $section)
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($section->childNodes); $x++)
            $childNode = $section->childNodes[$x];
            $nodeValue = trim($childNode->nodeValue);
            if ($nodeValue === '')
            $count = $count + 1;
            $key = (string) $keyPattern.'Text'.$count;
            $vueInterpolation = "{{ $t("$key") }}";
            $newNode = $dom->createElement($childNode->nodeName, $vueInterpolation);
            $childNode->parentNode->replaceChild($newNode, $childNode);
    echo $dom->saveHTML($dom);
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  2. I recommend:

    1. Wrapping your HTML markup in a div tag so that your section tags belong to a parent element (otherwise broken results occur). Remove the temporary tags after the replacing is done.

    2. Using XPath to target the children of the section tags.

    Code: (Demo)

    $dom = new DOMDocument;
    $xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($xpath->query('//section/*') as $node) {
        $node->nodeValue = ' {{ $t("ccpaRightsText' . ++$count . '" }} ';
    echo substr($dom->saveHTML($dom), 5, -7);
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