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I am trying to recreate a WordPress slider on Gatsby

I want to see if there is a way to query multiple images by id. I don’t want to use many queries but a single one using an array of IDs – if it’s possible of course 🙂

What the query would be for example if I wanted the 110,200,250,300,400 media of the WordPress library?

Is it more efficient to add the images to my src folder?

Thank you!



  1. Considering you are running latest plugin versions

    Answer 1

    Your query could look something like this:

    query ImageQuery {
      allWpMediaItem(filter: {databaseId: {in: [390, 164]}}) {
        nodes {
          localFile {
            childImageSharp {
              gatsbyImageData(layout: CONSTRAINED, formats: [AVIF, WEBP, JPG])

    Obviously you have to adjust the image options to your needs.

    Answer 2

    If you actually want to define a set of images to return under a custom query you would need to extend the WPGraphQL schema and return the array of images. The easiest option I can think of is to create a Custom Post Type Slider and add a Repeater field through Advanced Custom Fields. Since ACF is supported with a WPGraphQL Extension it is pretty simple to add it to the schema. You just have to add the Post Type to the schema too. See the docs here:

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  2. I was strugling with similar thing and this query is what worked for me:

    query MyQuery {
        mediaItems(where: {in: [10, 12, 14]}) {
            edges {
                node {
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