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I have this database table:

post_id | key    | value
297     | title  | test
297     | price  | 50
250     | title  | test2
250     | price  | 75
100     | title  | test3
100     | price  | 100

The question is: how can I get all (grouped) post_ids with a where on price and ordered by title.

This is not working:

SELECT post_id
     , price*1 AS number 
  FROM table 
 WHERE number <= 75 
    BY key 
    BY post_id; 



  1. Assuming that there is strictly one price and title per post:

    SELECT post_id, t1.value price, t2.value title
    FROM table t1 
    JOIN table t2 USING (post_id)
    WHERE t1.key = 'title'
      AND t2.key = 'price'
    -- another WHERE conditions if needed
    ORDER BY t2.value
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  2. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table;
    CREATE TABLE my_table
    (entity_id INT NOT NULL
    ,attribute VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL
    ,value VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL
    ,PRIMARY KEY(entity_id,attribute)
    CREATE VIEW v_my_table AS
    SELECT a.entity_id
         , a.value title
         , b.value price
      FROM my_table a
      JOIN my_table b
        ON b.entity_id = a.entity_id
       AND b.attribute = 'price'
     WHERE a.attribute = 'title';
    SELECT * FROM v_my_table WHERE price+0 < 75;
    | entity_id | title | price |
    |       297 | test  | 50    |
    UPDATE v_my_table SET price = 100 WHERE price+0 < 75;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
    SELECT * FROM v_my_table WHERE price+0 < 75;
    Empty set (0.01 sec)
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