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how can I add a value to a string only when the value is not 0?

e.g. value={"" + query + "&lang=" + language}

I want to add &lang= only if lang is not 0.

When language == 0, expected answer:

When language is something else e.g. language == "en":

I tried using tenery operator and optional chaining but only allow to optional chain function, not string.



  1. You could check the value and return oly if necessary.

        addNotZero = (key, value) => value ? `&${key}=${value}` : '';
    console.log(`${addNotZero('lang', 0)}`);
    console.log(`${addNotZero('lang', 1)}`);
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  2. function x(path, langCode, number){
      return  path+='&lang='+langCode;
     return path;
     console.log(x('', 'en', 0));
    console.log(x('', 'en', 1));
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  3. The answer you’re looking for is:

    value = { "" + query + (lang !== 0 ? "&lang="+language : null ) }

    You can add an if inline to cheek if lang is not 0.

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  4. value={("" + query + "&lang=" + language).replace('&lang=0', '')}
    let’s try this: "replace" is searching &lang=0 if succesfull just replacing with empty string
    *with just variable, I mean without curve brackets is working in my node

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