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I have a simple telegram bot with a KeyboardButton that appears when a user presses on “Start”. After the user presses on KeyboardButton a window appears and in that window the user presses a button “Share phone number”. I need to get this phone number but a “Contact” object in response is empty. The module that I use – pyTelegramBotApi.

import telebot
from telebot import types

bot = telebot.TeleBot(token)

def register(message):
    keyboard = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(one_time_keyboard=True)
    reg_button = types.KeyboardButton(text="Share your phone number", request_contact=True)
    response = bot.send_message(, 
                                "You should share your phone number", 
    print(  # = None here

if __name__ == '__main__':

Is that a right way to get a phone number from user? If no, how can i get it?



  1. No it’s wrong. You should define a new handler to handle the contact.

    dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler(, get_contact))

    then you should define your get_contact function:

    def get_contact(bot, update):
       chat_id = update.message.chat_id
       phone_number =
       other stuffs...
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  2. You should define new handler for contact

    def contact_handler(message):
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  3. def get_contact(message):

    You should use handler with filter.
    It is not text it is contact.

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