I just started a new project on Xcode 12 with Apple M1 Chip. I did run into issues when I was installing the pods but I was able to fix them using sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
then arch -x86_64 pod install
. Now, the issue that I am facing is when I added the in-app purchases and the admob pod for ads. I got an error that said Cannot find type 'SKProduct' in scope
and Cannot find type 'GADInterstitial' in scope
. I changed the Validate Workspace to YES
in the Build Settings and that did not fix it.
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I was getting the same errors:
Cannot find type ‘SKProduct’ in scope and Cannot find type ‘GADInterstitial’ in scope. I use Firebase in the project. In pod file when I changed pod ‘Firebase/Analytics’ to pod ‘FirebaseAnalytics’ then open xcworkspace from terminal and then clean the project the problem has been solved.
GADInterstitial was rename in GADInterstitialAd Google Ads v 8.0.0
See all renamed classes