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I get data from Magento database and I need to return it as an Json object and add data to the table in view. I’m getting a html response, not a valid json.

This is the error message :-

DataTables warning: table id=order_list – Invalid JSON response. For
more information about this error, please see

Here is my controller code:

public function prepareJson(){

    $orders = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()->setOrder('created_at', 'DESC')->setPageSize(25);
    $total_records = $this->orderModObj->get_total();
    $tableData = array();

    $jsonObj =new stdClass();
    $jsonObj->sEcho = 5;
    $jsonObj->iTotalRecords = $total_records;
    $jsonObj->iTotalDisplayRecords = $total_records;

    foreach ($orders as $ordercus) {
        array_push($tableData, $ordercus);
    $jsonObj->aaData = array($tableData);

    $tableJSON = json_encode($jsonObj);
    return $tableJSON;

Here is my view code

<table id="order_list" class="table table-bordered table-striped" data-page-length="25">

Here is the json structure

"sEcho": "5",
"iTotalRecords": 2708,
"iTotalDisplayRecords": 2708,
"aaData": [
    ["300000374", "16-11-2017", "16-11-2017", "title ", "charith m ", "<img src="" class="image" alt="profile picture">charith", "AUD 100.00", "<div class="processing">Processing</div>", "<a class="tb-edit" href="">View </a>"]


Here is the javascript code

$(document).ready(function() {

$('#order_list').DataTable( {

    "processing": true,
    "serverSide": true,

    url: BASE_URL + 'order/prepareJson',
    method: 'post',
    data: { get_param: 'value' },
    dataType: 'json'
    //"ajax": " "
} );
    success: function (feedback) {
        //console.log("feedback", feedback);



  1. You need to either print() or echo the json and not return it.

    $table_json = json_ecode($data);
    echo $table_json; 
    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. You do not have a valid JSON response.

    Copy and paste your JSON here:

    You will see that your issue is the lack of proper quotes with your image tag. Even made Stack Overflow’s code highlighter confused.

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