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This script currently monitors a log file for keywords. Upon discovery of said keywords, the script then produces a message pertaining to the state of a server (up or down). It then outputs an email directly to me. The rest of the script just kills the script after a predetermined period of time.

Finally, what I’d like to do now is send the same info being sent to email, to a log file: emailoutput > /var/log/server_mon.txt

I’ve tried to use the cat and exec command to direct the printed messages to a file, but my syntax is wrong every time. Not really a programmer and not sure how or where exactly to apply the command. my guess is somewhere after “print” but again, not sure how.


tail -fn0 /var/log/user | /usr/bin/awk '
    /disconnect_tcp_conn/ { report("down") }
    /daemon apps started/  { report("up") }

    function report(curr_state,    msg) {
        if ( prev_state != curr_state ) {
            msg = "Server is " curr_state
            system("mail -s 47" msg "47 [email protected] </dev/null")
            print msg | "cat>&2"
            prev_state = curr_state


DIEAT=`expr $SECONDS + 58`
while [ -d /proc/$PID ] && [ "$SECONDS" -lt "$DIEAT" ]
        sleep 1

[ -d /proc/$PID ] && kill "$PID"

Expected result is to have whats being output to email, to a text file for the purpose of keeping track of how often the script is reporting the servers condition.

I’m running this script on centos 5.5 btw..



  1. In your awk script make sure msg makes it to stdout:

    print msg

    Then outside your awk script add:

    | tee -a /var/log/server_mon.txt
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  2. print msg | "cat>&2" is printing the message to stderr. Do you want to print it to /var/log/server_mon.txt instead of stderr or in addition to stderr?

    There’s a lot of options including:

    awk '
        print msg | "cat>&2"
        print msg > "/var/log/server_mon.txt"

    Remove print msg | "cat>&2" if you no longer need it.

    or to get both with one print:

    awk '
        print msg | "tee -a 47/var/log/server_mon.txt47 >&2"


    awk '
        print msg
    ' | tee -a '/var/log/server_mon.txt' >&2


    awk '
        print msg | "cat>&2"
    ' 2> >(tee -a '/var/log/server_mon.txt' >&2)

    So many options….

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