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I ran into this tutorial using every technology in the world which is supposed to show how to build a react app from the ground up to leverage the shopify API. However there also this page describing a simple API call to do more or less what I need.

The goal is to have an entirely custom (extremely simple) checkout process that ends up in the shopify system. It would go something like this:

Stripe purchase ok -> shopify order saved -> thank you page redirect.

EDIT: It appears that the format https://api_key:[email protected]/admin/api/2019-07/orders.json solves the authentication problem. The call:

GET https://key:[email protected]/admin/api/2019-07/orders.json
returns a pleasant
"orders": [] }
so the authentication is a-ok.

However, doing a POST https://key:[email protected]/admin/api/2019-07/orders.json

Seems to return a cryptic page, instead of an error like so (which simply leads to your demo store/app):

enter image description here

So, in summary, I have a store, an authorized app (which successfully authenticates) so how do I add an order for an existing SKU programmatically?



  1. Are you sure there are no cookies on the request? Because I can reproduce your exact issue if I add cookies.

    It might be easier to use curl in order to have absolute clarity into what is being posted. For example:

    # Edit to change app hostname, key/secret, and product/variant/customer ids 
    curl -X POST 'https://key:[email protected]/admin/api/2019-07/orders.json' 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
    -d '{
      "order": {
        "line_items": [
            "product_id": 2017449607219,
            "variant_id": 17985741619251,
            "quantity": 1
        "customer": {
          "id": 1257159000115
        "financial_status": "pending"


      "order": {

    But if you want to stick with Postman, here are the supporting screenshots showing success without cookies, and failure with:

    Confirming there are no cookies set:

    enter image description here

    Successful post to orders.json endpoint:

    enter image description here

    Now, add a cookie:

    enter image description here

    And I get the response shown in your question:

    enter image description here

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  2. If you read the documentation of the private apps

    Shopify doesn’t support cookies in POST requests that use basic HTTP authentication. Any POST requests that use basic authentication and include cookies will fail with a 200 error code. Using cookies with basic authentication can expose your app to CSRF attacks, such as session hijacking.

    This is on purpose, doing this on a client side is criminal. If you are doing something server side then it is ok to use basic auth. But on client side you shouldn’t be using it

    If you want to use in postman then you need to use it with access_token

    Private apps can authenticate with Shopify by including the request header X-Shopify-Access-Token: {access_token}, where {access_token} is replaced by your private app’s Admin API password.

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