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I am trying to set up a kind cluster for my kubernetes cluster. Unfortunately, it fails after preparing the nodes when it is writing the nodes. I will attach you the output and some information. Thank you in advance for any help!


The Error

$ kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml 

Creating cluster "kind" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.20.2) 🖼 
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦 📦  
 ✗ Writing configuration 📜 
ERROR: failed to create cluster: failed to generate kubeadm config content: failed to get kubernetes version from node: failed to get file: command "docker exec --privileged kind-worker3 cat /kind/version" failed with error: exit status 1
Command Output: Error response from daemon: Container c41566958be2239a9470ef2ea636c4b21958ee7620086f526954a02e4a605106 is not running

Kind configuration yaml

kind: Cluster
  - role: control-plane
  - role: worker
  - role: worker
  - role: worker

My nodes

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide

gemini    Ready    control-plane,master   3d18h   v1.20.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.10   5.8.0-1015-raspi   docker://19.3.13
phoenix   Ready    <none>                 3d17h   v1.20.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.10   5.8.0-1015-raspi   docker://19.3.13
taurus    Ready    <none>                 3d17h   v1.20.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.10   5.8.0-1015-raspi   docker://19.3.13
virgo     Ready    <none>                 3d17h   v1.20.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.10   5.8.0-1015-raspi   docker://19.3.13

What is running on my cluster

$ kubectl get all --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE              NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default                pod/nginx-6799fc88d8-62cjd                       1/1     Running   1          18h
kube-system            pod/calico-kube-controllers-86bddfcff-ccrhg      1/1     Running   7          3d18h
kube-system            pod/calico-node-jddnl                            1/1     Running   4          3d17h
kube-system            pod/calico-node-nxwlw                            0/1     Running   7          3d18h
kube-system            pod/calico-node-stnzs                            0/1     Running   0          52s
kube-system            pod/calico-node-zrxzl                            1/1     Running   4          3d17h
kube-system            pod/coredns-74ff55c5b-kb2nm                      1/1     Running   7          3d18h
kube-system            pod/coredns-74ff55c5b-wsgs5                      1/1     Running   7          3d18h
kube-system            pod/etcd-gemini                                  1/1     Running   8          3d18h
kube-system            pod/kube-apiserver-gemini                        1/1     Running   8          3d18h
kube-system            pod/kube-controller-manager-gemini               1/1     Running   11         3d18h
kube-system            pod/kube-proxy-7fcjz                             1/1     Running   8          3d18h
kube-system            pod/kube-proxy-84rr7                             1/1     Running   4          3d17h
kube-system            pod/kube-proxy-lc88w                             1/1     Running   4          3d17h
kube-system            pod/kube-proxy-v4qd9                             1/1     Running   4          3d17h
kube-system            pod/kube-scheduler-gemini                        1/1     Running   9          3d18h
kubernetes-dashboard   pod/dashboard-metrics-scraper-79c5968bdc-mlb4s   1/1     Running   7          3d18h
kubernetes-dashboard   pod/kubernetes-dashboard-7448ffc97b-nq5c9        1/1     Running   7          3d18h

NAMESPACE              NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
default                service/kubernetes                  ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP                  41h
kube-system            service/calico-etcd                 ClusterIP    <none>        6666/TCP                 3d18h
kube-system            service/calico-typha                ClusterIP   <none>        5473/TCP                 3d18h
kube-system            service/kube-dns                    ClusterIP       <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   3d18h
kubernetes-dashboard   service/dashboard-metrics-scraper   ClusterIP     <none>        8000/TCP                 3d18h
kubernetes-dashboard   service/kubernetes-dashboard        NodePort   <none>        443:31741/TCP            3d18h

kube-system   daemonset.apps/calico-node   4         4         2       4            2    3d18h
kube-system   daemonset.apps/kube-proxy    4         4         4       4            4    3d18h

NAMESPACE              NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
default                deployment.apps/nginx                       1/1     1            1           18h
kube-system            deployment.apps/calico-kube-controllers     1/1     1            1           3d18h
kube-system            deployment.apps/coredns                     2/2     2            2           3d18h
kubernetes-dashboard   deployment.apps/dashboard-metrics-scraper   1/1     1            1           3d18h
kubernetes-dashboard   deployment.apps/kubernetes-dashboard        1/1     1            1           3d18h

NAMESPACE              NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
default                replicaset.apps/nginx-6799fc88d8                       1         1         1       18h
kube-system            replicaset.apps/calico-kube-controllers-56b44cd6d5     0         0         0       3d18h
kube-system            replicaset.apps/calico-kube-controllers-86bddfcff      1         1         1       3d18h
kube-system            replicaset.apps/coredns-74ff55c5b                      2         2         2       3d18h
kubernetes-dashboard   replicaset.apps/dashboard-metrics-scraper-79c5968bdc   1         1         1       3d18h
kubernetes-dashboard   replicaset.apps/kubernetes-dashboard-7448ffc97b        1         1         1       3d18h



  1. Answer is not concrete, be prepared from the beginning.
    There is a huge closed Cannot create cluster due to docker exec cat /kind/version failing github issue without resolution, but..

    The issue you encountered is pretty wide and there can be absolutely different root causes.

    BenTheElder – kind creator/maintainer:

    This part: Command Output: Error response from daemon: Container
    f2a2d9c8f9c2eca9aeec7f10249eb205b02c8a5f41e5bf1145b5a8e4b63da123 is
    not running

    That tells us that the node container is not running. That either
    means the entrypoint failed or your host killed it, both either due to
    some obscure bug we haven’t found yet, or more likely an issue with
    your host environment.

    Please file your own issue with much more details. This issue is
    non-specific and has discussed many different problems, as outlined

    So please create new issue on Github, most probably that place right now is best for such problem.

    I also found you issue could go from Docker Installed with Snap. See
    Docker from SNAP has knows issues working with Kind plus its is not actually supperted by KIND team

    snap is in the known-issue document, the snap docker package has a
    number of issues, e.g. no access to temp directories. I don’t
    recommend snap for docker and we don’t really support this.

    A small note: we’ve worked around most of the snap issues for now if
    you’re just managing clusters, but I still don’t recommend snap for

    If you’re seeing an issue similar to this, it means the node container
    exited early for some reason. That usually means the host environment
    is broken, but occasionally has meant we need to work-around e.g. less
    common filesystems with device mapper issues.

    Please attempt to capture node logs with kind create cluster –retain,
    kind export logs, and file an issue with the logs uploaded. We’ll try
    to identify the cause based on these.

    EDIT: to be extra clear: "Cannot create cluster due to docker exec cat
    /kind/version failing" is a symptom, please file an issue with the
    details on your specific failure so we can identify the actual root
    cause if you encounter this.

    This issue is locked because it got off-topic from the original root
    cause and kept being used for new problems that just happen to have
    the same symptom. This symptom is common for edge cases with the nodes
    suddenly terminating very early on because it’s one of the first
    actions we take against the running node.

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  2. I was able to create the Kind cluster after pruning my Docker containers. I think it may have been a conflict with a previously installed Kind cluster/container.

    docker container rm <id-of-container>

    After doing this the Kind create cluster command worked for me.

    Upon further inspection it seems that I had poorly formatted YAML in a config file I was using to create the cluster. I had mis-spelled a property name.

          enfoce: "baseline"

    should have been

          enforce: "baseline"

    I was following this Kubernetes pod security tutorial when I ran into this issue.

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