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I have some trouble with quotation marks in my WordPress site since I used a new theme and added a few plug-ins.

First problem : I’d like to have French quotation marks (« ») in the title of my pages (I’m talking about the HTML <title>), as it was before, for instance here.

Second problem : I have blockquotes in my posts (with French quotes) which sometimes contain another quote : I’d like these “inside quotes” to have double quotation marks (” “). I tried to do this with the CSS quotes property but it doesn’t seem to work. For instance here (4th blockquote).

Some more information : I use Qode Bridge theme, and a few plug-ins, especially Yoast SEO that can have an impact on the title issue.



  1. You could put the « » inside of an extra <p> or <span>. I would prefer <span> because it doesn’t add an extra break.

    The "" can be also shown inside of the <p> or <span>. The better way is probably to put them inside of '' small quotation marks.

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  2. You really should have profit of CSS quotes property. Have a look on this example:

    .guillemets {
      quotes: "«0A0""0A0»";
      font-style: italic;
    .guillemets::before {
      content: open-quote;
    .guillemets::after {
      content: close-quote;
    .guillemets .guillemets {
      quotes: """ """;
      font-style: normal;
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <span class="guillemets">consectetur adipiscing</span> elit. Etiam et porttitor turpis. Aenean eget ligula tristique, aliquet quam sit amet, faucibus nunc. Ut quam dui, vulputate sit amet nunc id, aliquet commodo augue.
      <span class="guillemets">Nulla <span class="guillemets">efficitur</span> nisi dignissim erat mollis</span>, nec feugiat felis egestas.

    The 0A0 is the unbreakable space wich is needed after opening guillemets and before the closing one in french typography.

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  3. for block quotes use <blockquote> tag of HTML.

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  4. You should try using UTF symbols:


    Left angle quotes


    Right angle quotes

    Available here:

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