I developed a few services in python that are supposed to communicate via rabbitmq. Python scripts look correct. Event after I moved them to docker containers, they continue look working (‘Waiting for messages’ line is generated by the payload script):
grafalex@debian:~/Work/partitioner/worker$ docker run -it --network partitioner_pocnetwork worker:latest
[*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C
The issue is that once I am running the same through docker-compose I can no longer see any logs. Sometimes part of the log may appear in the console, but just a part.
grafalex@debian:~/Work/partitioner/worker$ docker-compose up worker1
Starting partitioner_worker1_1 ... done
Attaching to partitioner_worker1_1
Here is the docker-compose.yml snippet for this
version: "3.9"
image: worker:latest
restart: always
- pocnetwork
What can be the problem with missing logs? Can it be some kind of stdout buffering (and if so how can I fix that)?
The problem is not related to networking. The problem is in buffered output. As @DavidMaze pointed in the comment, solution is well described in Python app does not print anything when running detached in docker.
I just had to add '-u' flag to the python interpreter to make the output unbuffered, so that it appears in the log immediately.
Since you seem to be using a pre-existing docker network, the equivalent to your docker run command in docker-compose should look like:
You need to declare the external network first. Does this solve your problem?