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I have 512 buttons, that when each is clicked, I want to update the state to either 1, 2, 3, or 4. Is there a way to create a function that will update the array when each button is clicked? As a sample, I am able to make 5 buttons, 5 different EventListeners,5 functions. Obviously, can’t do that when I have 512 buttons. How can I update my function to take in a button that is clicked?

<!DOCTYPE html>

<button id="b1"> 1</button>
<button id="b2"> 2</button>
<button id="b3"> 3</button>
<button id="b4"> 4</button>
<button id="b5"> 5</button>


var items = [0,0,0,0,0]

button1 = document.querySelector("#b1");
button2 = document.querySelector("#b2");
button3 = document.querySelector("#b3");
button4 = document.querySelector("#b4");
button5 = document.querySelector("#b5");


function updateArray1() {items[0]=1; console.log(items)}
function updateArray2() {items[1]=1; console.log(items)}
function updateArray3() {items[2]=1; console.log(items)}
function updateArray4() {items[3]=1; console.log(items)}
function updateArray5() {items[4]=1; console.log(items)}



I am able to update the array by writing a function. How can I loop over the event listeners?



  1. You can use querySelectorAll to get all buttons, and then you can use for of Loop to bind event Listener to all buttons. Lastly you can use inside the event listener callback function to get the target button. Here is a sample code:-

    let buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.buttons');
    for (const button of buttons) {
        button.addEventListener('click', updateFunction);
    function updateFunction(e){
        const target = e.currentTarget;
        // Update the target button here
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  2. I’m not sure what are you trying to do by adding 512 buttons but I hope this helps you

    // This function create dynamic count of buttons based on `num_of_btns` variable
    function appendButtons(num_of_btns) {
        const container = document.querySelector('#btns-container');
        for (let i = 1; i <= num_of_btns; i++) {
            const button = document.createElement('button');
            button.innerText = i;
            button.setAttribute('data-btn_id', i)
    // Set number of buttons you need and fill array of zeros
    const num_of_btns = 512;
    let items = new Array(num_of_btns).fill(0);
    // Event listener for all buttons with the class 'custom-btn-class'
    let btns = document.querySelectorAll('.custom-btn-class');
    btns.forEach((btn) => {
        btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
            let btn_id = parseInt(btn.getAttribute('data-btn_id'));
            items[btn_id - 1] = 1;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="btns-container"></div>
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  3. var items = [0,0,0,0,0]
    // use a query selector to get all the buttons at once
    // using the name you gave them 
    let buttons = document.body.querySelectorAll("button[name='myBtn']");
    //what this "button[name='myBtn']" says is get all buttons with that have the name 'myBtn'
    //the querySelectorAll returns an array
    // use a forEach loop to set the event Listeners
    buttons.forEach(button => {
      /*  button before the "=>" is perimiter being passed to the for each callback
          it represents each element in the array, in this case the button element 
          returned by querySelectorAll
      button.addEventListener("click",(event) => {
        //get the button that was pressed
        let pressedButton =;
        // get the number that you passed into the data-num attribute
        // and use the Number() function to convert it into an INT
        let buttonNumber = Number(pressedButton.dataset.num);
        //udate your array
        items[buttonNumber] = 1;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <!-- give your elements the same name -->
        <!-- give your elements a data attribute "num" -->
        <button name="myBtn" data-num="0" id="b1"> 1</button>
        <button name="myBtn" data-num="1" id="b2"> 2</button>
        <button name="myBtn" data-num="2" id="b3"> 3</button>
        <button name="myBtn" data-num="3" id="b4"> 4</button>
        <button name="myBtn" data-num="4" id="b5"> 5</button>
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