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SELECT key1, key2, JSON_ARRAYAGG(foo) foo, JSON_ARRAYAGG(bar) bar FROM (
select 1 as key1, 2 as key2, '1.0' as foo, 'A' as bar from dual
select 1, 2, '2.0' , 'A' as bar from dual
select 3, 4, '2.0' , 'A' as bar from dual
select 3, 4, '2.0' , 'B' as bar from dual
select 3, 4, '2.0' , 'B' as bar from dual) z
GROUP BY key1, key2

The query returns following result:

1   2   ["1.0","2.0"]   ["A","A"]
3   4   ["2.0","2.0"]   ["A","B"]

I was expecting

1   2   ["1.0","2.0"]   ["A"]
3   4   ["2.0"]         ["A","B"]

I seems that JSON_ARRAYAGG doesn’t support DISTINCT, any suggestions?



  1. Yeah thats not implemented (yet). The workaround is to de-dup the data in advance, eg

    SQL> with x as (
      2      select 1 as i, 'A' as j from dual union all select 1, 'A' from dual union all select 1, 'A' from dual
      3      union all
      4      select 2, 'D' from dual union all select 2, 'D' from dual union all select 2, 'E' from dual
      5      union all
      6      select 3, 'G' from dual union all select 3, 'H' from dual union all select 3, 'H' from dual
      7      )
      8  select x.i,
      9      listagg(distinct x.j, ', ') within group (order by x.j) as X_LIST,
     10      json_arrayagg( x.j order by x.j) as X_JSON
     11  from  x
     12  group by x.i;
             I X_LIST                         X_JSON
    ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
             1 A                              ["A","A","A"]
             2 D, E                           ["D","D","E"]
             3 G, H                           ["G","H","H"]
    SQL> with x as (
      2      select 1 as i, 'A' as j from dual union all select 1, 'A' from dual union all select 1, 'A' from dual
      3      union all
      4      select 2, 'D' from dual union all select 2, 'D' from dual union all select 2, 'E' from dual
      5      union all
      6      select 3, 'G' from dual union all select 3, 'H' from dual union all select 3, 'H' from dual
      7      )
      8  select x.i,
      9      listagg(distinct x.j, ', ') within group (order by x.j) as X_LIST,
     10      json_arrayagg( x.j order by x.j) as X_JSON
     11  from ( select distinct i,j from x order by i,j ) x
     12  group by x.i;
             I X_LIST                         X_JSON
    ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
             1 A                              ["A"]
             2 D, E                           ["D","E"]
             3 G, H                           ["G","H"]
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  2. In addition to what Connor wrote alternative workarounds could be

    aggregate function + row_number for de-duplication (rn can be moved into where clause instead of decode depending on circumstances but in such scenario distinct is more preferable)

        listagg(decode(rn, 1, x.j), ', ') within group (order by x.j) as X_LIST,
        json_arrayagg(decode(rn, 1, x.j) order by x.j) as X_JSON
    from (select x.*, row_number() over (partition by i, j order by '') rn from x) x
    group by x.i;

    nested aggregates in a correlated scalar (keep in mind that each correlated scalar is, in fact, an implicit join)

        (select listagg(min(x.j), ', ') within group (order by x.j) from x where x.i = xx.i group by x.j) as X_LIST, 
        (select json_arrayagg(min(x.j) order by x.j) from x where x.i = xx.i group by x.j) as X_LIST
    from (select distinct i from x) xx;
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