Anyone out there with experience with the Ebay API? I’m essentially trying to list all items for one shop on their website, so it’s not going to be a public service usage. The GetSellerList method seems to be the way to go, but the documentation on the Ebay Website itself is very scant and not really well done at all.
I’m in the process of trying out the code samples and the problem I’m hitting now is whether or not I need a UserToken or not. #PITA
Here is about the minimum request I used that worked for me:
I also had to add these headers to the request:
I’m not sure which of the “– Add yours here –” entries are public and which are private, so I’ll aire on the side of caution and I’ll let you get them for yourself.. 🙂
With no eBayAuthToken entered, you get the following error:
I hope this helps.
Header Request Values