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Here is the XML I’m calling into ebay. I get all completed items except for those completed without a payment (which I’ve read I should be getting back).

I’d much rather have a method that only calls “Awaiting Payment”, “Awaiting Shipping”, “Shipped”. If that is possible, I’m not aware of it from my research. I’m currently gathering all Completed for n days and filtering them out myself



<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<GetOrdersRequest xmlns='urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents'>

Logic on sorting out:

foreach($orderArray as $order)
    $paidTime = (isset($order['PaidTime']) ? $order['PaidTime'] : '');
    $shippedTime = (isset($order['ShippedTime']) ? $order['ShippedTime'] : '');
    if($paidTime != "" ){
      if($shippedTime == "")

Edit after accepted Answer, here is my sorting logic:

foreach($orderArray as $order){
    $paidTime = (isset($order['PaidTime']) ? $order['PaidTime'] : '');
    $shippedTime = (isset($order['ShippedTime']) ? $order['ShippedTime'] : '');
    $orderStatus = (isset($order['OrderStatus']) ? $order['OrderStatus'] : '');
    if($orderStatus != "" && $orderStatus != 'Cancelled'){
      if($paidTime != "" ){
        if($shippedTime == "")



  1. There is no way to create a call that would only return a specific status like awaiting payment, awaiting shipment, or shipped that I have been able to find. It sounds like you are going in the right direction by gathering the past 7 days and then trying to determine paid status from there.

    In order to determine paid status you need to check for PaidTime which can be an element in one of 2 places. The first is order (OrderArray.Order.PaidTime) and the second is transaction (OrderArray.Order.TransactionArray.Transaction.PaidTime). PaidTime is conditionally returned which means if it is not paid it will not be returned. If you parse for PaidTime and it is not present / not returned or is returned and there is no value present the item is considered not paid / awaiting payment. If there is a time present the payment has been received and would be considered paid.

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  2. I believe OrderStatus of Completed returns paid orders. You can leave out OrderStatus to receive all orders regardless of status or request Active to get unpaid orders.

    If you are a Selling Manager Pro subscriber, you can use the GetSellingManagerSoldListings call

    It has a filter field

    <Filter> SellingManagerSoldListingsPropertyTypeCodeType </Filter>

    You can find the values here

    I use the GetOrders call; the GetSellingManagerSoldListings call includes the following:

    Note: This call is subject to change without notice; the deprecation process is inapplicable to this call.

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