I am trying to use addItem
call to add a listing. Currently trying with sandbox credential received from eBay.
I am using this tutorial to do this: https://github.com/cahudson/eBayCommerceCookbook/blob/master/1_3_presenting_products_through_ebay/addItem.php
I have received key values correctly and set parameters also appropriately. When I load the page it gives this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: response in F:wampwwwebaytest1addItem.php on line 180
When I click on the addItem
button, it does not show any error but no success message too. Any help would be very appreciable.
Entire code is here: https://gist.github.com/karimkhanp/16631ab90eb502131f9c
Uses eBay Trading API to list an item under
a seller's account.
// include our Trading API constants
require_once 'tradingConstants.php';
// check if posted
if (!empty($_POST)) {
// grab our posted keywords and call helper function
// TODO: check if need urlencode
$title = $_POST['title'];
$categoryID = $_POST['categoryID'];
$startPrice = $_POST['startPrice'];
$pictureURL = $_POST['pictureURL'];
$description = $_POST['description'];
// call the getAddItem function to make AddItem call
$response = getAddItem($title, $categoryID, $startPrice, $pictureURL, $description);
// Function to call the Trading API AddItem
function getAddItem($addTitle, $addCatID, $addSPrice, $addPicture, $addDesc) {
/* Sample XML Request Block for minimum AddItem request
see ... for sample XML block given length*/
// Create unique id for adding item to prevent duplicate adds
$uuid = md5(uniqid());
// create the XML request
$xmlRequest = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>";
$xmlRequest .= "<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">";
$xmlRequest .= "<ErrorLanguage>en_US</ErrorLanguage>";
$xmlRequest .= "<WarningLevel>High</WarningLevel>";
$xmlRequest .= "<Item>";
$xmlRequest .= "<Title>" . $addTitle . "</Title>";
$xmlRequest .= "<Description>" . $addDesc . "</Description>";
$xmlRequest .= "<PrimaryCategory>";
$xmlRequest .= "<CategoryID>" . $addCatID . "</CategoryID>";
$xmlRequest .= "</PrimaryCategory>";
$xmlRequest .= "<StartPrice>" . $addSPrice . "</StartPrice>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ConditionID>1000</ConditionID>";
$xmlRequest .= "<CategoryMappingAllowed>true</CategoryMappingAllowed>";
$xmlRequest .= "<Country>India</Country>";
$xmlRequest .= "<Currency>USD</Currency>";
$xmlRequest .= "<DispatchTimeMax>3</DispatchTimeMax>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ListingDuration>Days_7</ListingDuration>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ListingType>FixedPriceItem</ListingType>";
$xmlRequest .= "<PaymentMethods>PayPal</PaymentMethods>";
$xmlRequest .= "<PayPalEmailAddress>[email protected]</PayPalEmailAddress>";
$xmlRequest .= "<PictureDetails>";
$xmlRequest .= "<PictureURL>" . $addPicture . "</PictureURL>";
$xmlRequest .= "</PictureDetails>";
$xmlRequest .= "<PostalCode>380055</PostalCode>";
$xmlRequest .= "<Quantity>1</Quantity>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ReturnPolicy>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ReturnsAcceptedOption>ReturnsAccepted</ReturnsAcceptedOption>";
$xmlRequest .= "<RefundOption>MoneyBack</RefundOption>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ReturnsWithinOption>Days_30</ReturnsWithinOption>";
$xmlRequest .= "<Description>" . $addDesc . "</Description>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ShippingCostPaidByOption>Buyer</ShippingCostPaidByOption>";
$xmlRequest .= "</ReturnPolicy>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ShippingDetails>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ShippingType>Flat</ShippingType>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ShippingServiceOptions>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ShippingServicePriority>1</ShippingServicePriority>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ShippingService>USPSMedia</ShippingService>";
$xmlRequest .= "<ShippingServiceCost>2.50</ShippingServiceCost>";
$xmlRequest .= "</ShippingServiceOptions>";
$xmlRequest .= "</ShippingDetails>";
$xmlRequest .= "<Site>India</Site>";
$xmlRequest .= "<UUID>" . $uuid . "</UUID>";
$xmlRequest .= "</Item>";
$xmlRequest .= "<RequesterCredentials>";
$xmlRequest .= "<eBayAuthToken>" . AUTH_TOKEN . "</eBayAuthToken>";
$xmlRequest .= "</RequesterCredentials>";
$xmlRequest .= "<WarningLevel>High</WarningLevel>";
$xmlRequest .= "</AddItemRequest>";
// define our header array for the Trading API call
// notice different headers from shopping API and SITE_ID changes to SITEID
$headers = array(
'Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8'
// initialize our curl session
$session = curl_init(API_URL);
// set our curl options with the XML request
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xmlRequest);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// execute the curl request
$responseXML = curl_exec($session);
// close the curl session
// return the response XML
return $responseXML;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>2-4 Add Item to eBay using eBay Trading API</title>
body {background: #fff; color: #000; font: normal 62.5%/1.5 tahoma, verdana, sans-serif;}
* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
form {padding: 0 10px; width: 700px;}
legend {font-size: 2em; padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px; position: relative;}
fieldset {border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; width: 320px;}
li {clear: both; list-style-type: none; margin: 0 0 10px;}
label, input {font-size: 1.3em;}
label {display: block; padding: 0 0 5px; width: 200px}
input {background-position: 295px 5px; background-repeat: no-repeat; border: 2px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px 25px 5px 5px; width: 285px;}
input:focus {outline: none;}
input:invalid:required {background-image: url(asterisk.png); box-shadow: none;}
input:focus:invalid {background-image: url(invalid.png); box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #b01212; border: 2px solid #b01212;}
input:valid:required {background-image: url(accept.png); border: 2px solid #7ab526;}
div label {width: 100%;}
<div id="frmProduct">
<!-- simple form for query keyword entry -->
<form name="addItem" action="addItem.php" method="post">
<legend>Add Item</legend>
<label for="title">Title</label>
<input autofocus required id="title" name="title" value="Great Black Headphones" maxlength="80" />
<label for="categoryID">Category ID</label>
<input required id="categoryID" name="categoryID" value="112529"/>
<label for="startPrice">Start Price</label>
<input required id="startPrice" name="startPrice" value="20.00"/>
<label for="pictureURL">Picture URL</label>
<textarea rows="4" cols="40" required id="pictureURL" name="pictureURL">http://www.monsterproducts.com/images_db/mobile/MH_BTS_ON-SOHD_BK_CT_glam.jpg</textarea>
<label for="description">Description</label>
<textarea rows="4" cols="40" required id="description" name="description">A great pair of brand new black headphones - one for each ear.</textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Add Item">
<div id="container">
// Display information to user based on AddItem response.
// Convert the xml response string in an xml object
$xmlResponse = simplexml_load_string($response);
// Verify that the xml response object was created
if ($xmlResponse) {
echo "hi";
// Check for call success
if ($xmlResponse->Ack == "Success") {
// Display the item id number added
echo "<p>Successfully added item as item #" . $xmlResponse->ItemID . "<br/>";
// Calculate fees for listing
// loop through each Fee block in the Fees child node
$totalFees = 0;
$fees = $xmlResponse->Fees;
foreach ($fees->Fee as $fee) {
$totalFees += $fee->Fee;
echo "Total Fees for this listing: " . $totalFees . ".</p>";
} else {
// Unsuccessful call, display error(s)
echo "<p>The AddItem called failed due to the following error(s):<br/>";
foreach ($xmlResponse->Errors as $error) {
$errCode = $error->ErrorCode;
$errLongMsg = htmlentities($error->LongMessage);
$errSeverity = $error->SeverityCode;
echo $errSeverity . ": [" . $errCode . "] " . $errLongMsg . "<br/>";
echo "</p>";
tradingConstants.php contains this:
// production vs. sandbox flag - true=production
// eBay Trading API version to use
and sandbox key values.
because the respose variable is in this block
$response variable is not set when page reload because it in with $_POST block. Therefore it is only set when “Add Item” button clicked.
Please copy the entire response block within the given condition. That is:
//Entire response block within this section
So the new response block code will be: