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I want to convert pdf file to jpg. I installed imagick correctly and I installed ghoscript 9.53.3 64x but I got this error. I put the ghoscript / bin and lib path in the enviroment variable.

Fatal error: Uncaught ImagickException: PDFDelegateFailed `The system cannot find the file specified. ‘ @ error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/794 in C:xampp7.4htdocskOnlinevendorspatiepdf-to-imagesrcPdf.php:40 Stack trace: #0 C:xampp7.4htdocskOnlinevendorspatiepdf-to-imagesrcPdf.php(40): Imagick->pingimage(‘C:/xampp7.4/htd…’) #1 C:xampp7.4htdocskOnlinepdfToImaage.php(8): SpatiePdfToImagePdf->__construct(‘C:/xampp7.4/htd…’) #2 {main} thrown in C:xampp7.4htdocskOnlinevendorspatiepdf-to-imagesrcPdf.php on line 40

my code:

$pdf = new SpatiePdfToImagePdf($pathToPdf);

foreach (range(1, $pdf->getNumberOfPages()) as $pageNumber) {



PHP Version 7.4.11

Apache Version Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1g PHP/7.4.11

ghoscript 9.53.3 64x

imagick module version 3.4.4

OS windows 10 64x

enter image description here

enter image description here



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I uninstalled ghoscript 9.53.3 and installed ghoscript 9.26. I restarted the system after installation. That's all and my problem was solved.

  2. Had the same problem.
    In older versions of ghostscript the executable was named "gs.exe", in newer versions it’s "gswin32c.exe" (or "gswin64c.exe"). I think somewhere the gs.exe-call is hard coded into the imagick-extension.
    As workaround just rename the file to "gs.exe" or put a renamed copy in this directory.

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  3. I am using gs9.54.0

    Adding ghostscript path to the PATH, in my case c:softkitgsgs9.54.0bin and rename gswin64.exe to gs.exe solved this issue.

    It seems indeed that imagick is looking for gs.exe

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  4. 1- Download from the site:
    if php 7.3:
    if php 7.4:
    if php 8.0:

    2- Unzip the one that corresponds to the PHP version
    A- take the DLL which is called: php_imagick.dll
    and place it in the directory C:/laragon/bin/php/php-7.3.23-Win32-VC15-x64/ext
    B- take all the other DLLs and put them in the directory C:/laragon/bin/php/php-7.3.23-Win32-VC15-x64

    3- Open the PHP.ini file and insert the line where there are
    The extensions precisely and write there:
    extension = php_imagick.dll

    4- Stop the APACH server and do a phpinfo(); to see
    if the library is correctly installed with all
    extensions possible

    If you want to handle the PDFs from imagick continue the steps following

    5- Then, you have to install the ghoscript software from
    following url:
    install the version that is going well x64 bit for example

    6- Then, go to the directory
    C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.55.0/bin
    A- Duplicate the gswin64.exe file
    B- Rename the copy to gs.exe

    7- Add the directory C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.55.0/bin
    in the PATH environment variables (users)
    To do this, go to SEARCH WINDOWS and type env + enter
    after go to environment variables and add
    the missing directory

    8- Super important, close the LARAGON software (completely)
    Then turn it back on LARAGON and at this time, everything should function

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  5. I’m using the version provided in this link

    And I had to downgrade my ghostscript to v5.26 and it worked. With the latest version of GS the server didn’t response.

    Also you have to:

    1. copy C:Program Filesgsgs9.25bingswin64.exe
    2. Rename to gs.exe
    3. Add C:Program Filesgsgs9.25bin to the environment variable PATH (maybe the installation path is other in your system).
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