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I am using mariadb version 10.2.43-MariaDB-1:10.2.43+maria~bionic

Table schema

The table has a column features of type JSON with id attribute and details array with the following two rows of data :

  "id": 9,
  "details": [
      "amount": 100,
      "flag": true,
      "fieldA": "abcd"
      "amount": 101,
      "flag": false,
      "fieldB": "bcde"
      "amount": 103,
      "flag": true,
      "fieldA": "abcd"
  "id": 10,
  "details": [
      "amount": 110,
      "flag": false,
      "fieldA": "abcd"
      "amount": 102,
      "flag": true,
      "fieldB": "bcde"

I want to calculate the sum of amounts when the flag is true.

  • For id = 9 amounts = [100, 103]
  • For id = 10 amounts = [102]
  • Total = 100 + 103 + 102 = 305

On searching online I found a few answers suggesting json_table but we are using older version of mariadb which does not support json_table.

I have used this way to extract the amounts and flags and then finally handled the sum in code.

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(features,'$. details[*].amount') as amounts,
       JSON_EXTRACT(features,'$.details[*].flag') as flag 
  FROM table
 WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(features,'$.details[*].flag') != 'NULL';


| [500000, 1000000]                                           | [false, false]                                                      |
| [1100000]                                                   | [false]                                                             |
| [1000000]                                                   | [false]                                                             |
| [500000, 1000000]                                           | [false, false]                                                      |
| [100000]                                                    | [false]                                                             |
| [5000000]                                                   | [false]                                                             |                                                       |
| [50000]                                                     | [false]                                                             |
| [500000]                                                    | [false]                                                             |
| [500000]                                                    | [false]                                                             |
| [10000]                                                     | [true]                                                              |
| [49998]                                                     | [true]                                                              |
| [600000, 399980]                                            | [false, true]    


  1. I want to know if the order of elements in amounts array and flag array will be the same as that in details. (otherwise the sum I am calculating will be wrong).
  2. Is there a more efficient way to calculate the sum without using code?



  1. MariaDB does not support json_table, which can expand a json array to rows. But we can emulate it with the help of a table of numbers and of other MariaDB json functions.

    There are many different ways that you can create a table of numbers, either inline in the query or permanently stored in a table. Here I am just using a fixed list of a few numbers :

    select sum( json_value( t.details, concat('$[', n.i, '].amount') ) ) total_amount
    from mytable t
    inner join (select 0 as i union all select 1 union all select 2) n 
        on n.i < json_length(t.details)
    where json_value( t.details, concat('$[', n.i, '].flag') ) 

    The join on n generate one row for each item in the JSON array; given the index of the element, we can generate the proper json path to its amount and flag (that’s what the concat()s do), and access the values with json_value().

    I don’t have a MariaDB 10.2 database at hand to test, but here is a MariaDB 10.3 fiddle. Note the database properly recognizes the boolean value in the flag attribute, which simplifies the where clause.

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  2. One option is to use JSON_EXTRACT() function while looping through by Recursive CTE which’s supported for 10.2.2 + as in the following query

     SELECT 0 i
     SELECT i + 1 i
       FROM cte
      WHERE i + 1 <= ( SELECT MAX(JSON_LENGTH(features, '$.details')) FROM t ) 
               WHEN JSON_EXTRACT(features, CONCAT('$.details[',i,'].flag')) = 'true' THEN
                    CAST(JSON_EXTRACT(features, CONCAT('$.details[',i,'].amount')) AS DOUBLE)
                END) AS sum_amount 
      FROM cte,


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