I’m trying to set a counter of likes using facebook’s GRAPH API.
I have a list of object ids, and for earch ID, I use an api call to get how many likes this object got, then set a sum.
But this call is returning a promise, and when I’m using foreach, only one call is rearched even if I have more than one element in my list.
How can I do this to get this summation ?
Here’s my code.
countLike(data : any[]){
let counter : number = 0;
data.forEach(element => {
this.debogger.debogSomething("Reached : " + element as string);
this.facebook.api("/"+ (element as string) +"?fields=likes", ["public_profile","user_posts"]).then((response) => {
counter += response.likes.data.length as number;
}).catch((err) => {
It’s my first post in stackoverflow!
Thank you so much !
**[EDIT] new code, still not working **
Promise.all(this.objectIdsToFilter.map((value) => {
return this.facebook.api(value+"?fields=likes", ["public_profile","user_posts"])
.then((response) => {
In input, an array contains 3 values, (2 valids, 1 invalid).
The output : nothing happens (weird, the debogger is a pop-up).
You can probably do something like below:-
You can also use the new
async await
method (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function) if the promise concept is difficult for you.Also there’s this
module (https://caolan.github.io/async/docs.html) which you can use in js that has several methods such aswaterfall
which is exactly what you need, as the author says: