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I’ve been working on the ebaySDK for most of the week. I’ve managed to integrate the Trading and Shopping APIs into my project. For the trading API, I was using an Auth n Auth token which has a validity of upto 18 months. The OAuth Token which I need for the Sell APIs is valid only for a day, so I’ll need to fetch it regularly before it expires.
I followed the documentation on the site and even tried looking through python repos on github but I haven’t been able to move forward as of yet. Here’s a quick snippet of my request code, What am I doing wrong?

import requests, json, base64, xmltodict

AppSettings = {
    'app_id' : 'my_app_id',
    'app_secret' : 'my_app_secret',
    'dev_id': 'my_dev_id',
    'ruName': 'the_ruName_for_my_app'
authHeaderData =  AppSettings['app_id']+':'+AppSettings['app_secret']
encodedAuthHeader = base64.b64encode(authHeaderData)

session = requests.Session()

print encodedAuthHeader 
url = ''

    'Authorization':'Basic '+encodedAuthHeader

data = {
    'redirect_uri': AppSettings['ruName'],

response =, data=data).json()
print response

The response I’m getting is:

{u'error_description': u'client authentication failed', u'error': u'invalid_client'}

I checked all the keys. I even tried to get the token via the production signin provided by ebay but to no avail. The response I got from the url provided by ebay was html and js code (No JSON or any data).

Has anybody faced a similar issue? How can I work through this? Am I making the requests wrong? Any insight is greatly appreciated



  1. Because this was such a nightmare to traverse eBays docs to find this answer, I figured i would post my function that solved this.

    import requests, urllib, base64
    def getAuthToken():
         AppSettings = {
         authHeaderData = AppSettings['client_id'] + ':' + AppSettings['client_secret']
         encodedAuthHeader = base64.b64encode(str.encode(authHeaderData))
         headers = {
              "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 
              "Authorization" : "Basic " + str(encodedAuthHeader)
         body= {
              "grant_type" : "client_credentials",
              "redirect_uri" : AppSettings['ruName'],
              "scope" : ""
         data = urllib.parse.urlencode(body)
         tokenURL = ""
         response =, headers=headers, data=data) 
         return response.json()
    response = getAuthToken()
    response['access_token'] #access keys as required
    response['error_description'] #if errors
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  2. @sunny babau
    I was having the same problem as you. It was indeed caused by the b’ and a trailing ‘. After adding the following line to the code above, which removes these characters, it worked for me:

    encodedAuthHeader = str(encodedAuthHeader)[2:len(str(encodedAuthHeader))-1]
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