I have added a third checkmark option to the "Simple Product" tab, like this:
add_filter("product_type_options", function ($product_type_options) {
$product_type_options["personalize"] = [
"id" => "_personalize",
"wrapper_class" => "show_if_simple",
"label" => "Personalize",
"description" => "personalize Products",
"default" => "no",
return $product_type_options;
add_action("save_post_product", function ($post_ID, $product, $update) {
, "_personalize"
, isset($_POST["_personalize"]) ? "yes" : "no"
}, 10, 3);
I need to hide the "Attributes" tab when this custom "Personalize" checkbox is selected. ie., if you click on the "Virtual" option checkbox, the "Shipping" tab hides. Likewise, I need the "Personalize" option checkbox to hide the "Attributes" tab upon selection.
I have tried:
add_filter('woocommerce_product_data_tabs', 'misha_product_data_tabs' );
function misha_product_data_tabs( $tabs ){
$tabs['attribute']['class'][] = 'hide_if_personalize';
return $tabs;
But it is not working. Can you please help?
Check screenshot: https://snipboard.io/vhqMyA.jpg
First, you have to update the meta value on the checkbox change. then you can add class
if meta value isyes
using thiswoocommerce_product_data_tabs
filter hook. check below code.Tested and works.
You can hide the "Attributes" tab via a jQuery script.
script it will be activated when the page is loaded and when the "Personalize" checkbox is clicked.In fact, a user could add one or more attributes to the product, check the "Personalize" checkbox and finally save the product.
If you simply hide the elements, it is true that they will not be visible to the user, but they will still be captured by the Ajax function for saving attributes.
To prevent this it is necessary to disable any field of the Attributes tab. Then, after saving, all attributes will be removed if the "Personalize" checkbox is checked.
Also, if the "Attributes" tab is active and the user selects "Personalize", it automatically activates the "General" tab to avoid white content.
The code has been tested and works. Add it to your active theme’s functions.php.