How can I search for more than one keyword while fetching tweets using twitter streaming API in python 3.6?
I want to fetch old tweets from jan 01 2017 to jan 31 2017. But,using the following code, I can only fetch tweets that contain only one keyword! This is my code:
import got3
max_tweets = 3
tweetCriteria = got3.manager.TweetCriteria().setSince("2017-01-01").setUntil("2017-01-31").setQuerySearch("Mexico Earthquake").setMaxTweets(max_tweets)
for i in range(max_tweets):
tweet = got3.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[i]
In the above code, “Mexico Earthquake” is my keyword. I want to include “Magnitude 7.5” as the keyword also. I try to give a list as an argument to setQuerySearch,but it shows an error: “only str is accepted as an argument,not list”
How can I modify my code?
You doesn’t get old tweet by using twitter API because it get tweets in last week.
You hove to use search engine of twitter.
GetOldTweets-python is a program that get old tweets with any keywords you want.
i found it worked best with separate query classes and set query searches.