I have a custom Format view for a list that I want to format a column called Date (date and time) so it’s displays current date and time without seconds.
"elmType": "div",
"inlineEditField": "[$Date]",
"attributes": {
"class": "sp-row-listPadding"
"style": {
"margin-bottom": "10px",
"margin-left": "10px",
"font-size": "larger"
"txtContent": "=if(toLocaleDateString([$Date]) == '', toLocaleDateString([$Created]), toLocaleDateString([$Date])+' '+toLocaleTimeString([$Date]))"
I’ve tried adding parameter to toLocalTime but doesn’t seem to be supported because it will type out the code instead of showing the formatted date.
toLocaleTimeString([$Date], {hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'})
I also tried slice, substr, replace but doesn’t seem to be supported as well.
Is this possible in sharepoint?
Can you create a calculated column for displaying date/time in your preferred format?
If yes, create a calculated column with this formula
=TEXT(Date,"dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm")
If your date column is of type "Date and Time" (including time), use JSON
is internal name of your list column. You can get the exact internal name of your column by following this article: How to find the Internal name of columns in SharePoint Online?Output:
You can find other ways to check if date & time column is empty or not at: SharePoint JSON formatting: Check if date & time column is blank/empty