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what is wrong with my code?

$this->db->query(“update profile set polygon = POLYGON((0 0,82 33,23
66,0 0)) where id = 1”);

polygon is a column with type of geometric(polygon).
i paste this “POLYGON((0 0,82 33,23 66,0 0))” in that column in phpmyadmin and it is saved but wuth query it in not work



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I found the answer

    $this->db->query("update profile set polygon = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0,82 33,23 66,0 0))') where id = 1");

  2. Try this – it uses Query Builder (part of Codeigniter) of which I am a fan!!

    $this->db->set('polygon','POLYGON(0 0,82 33,23 66,0 0)',false);

    Note the false stops CI from quoting/escaping your query. Obviously if you accept user supplied information in there – then this would have to be checked for SQL injection elsewhere or this query amended.

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