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I have a function that is called within an AJAX call that returns a number. I set this number to a variable and want to access the number outside of the .done() method:

    url: 'urlhere.php',
    type: 'GET',
    data: {text: text},
    success: function(data) {

        var getNumber = countNumber();
        getNumber.done(function(data) {

            var number = data;


        let newContent = 
        "The number is "+


But I get this error, stating that the variable is not defined:

Uncaught ReferenceError: number is not defined


How do I access variables within the .done() method in jQuery in an AJAX call?

Things I Have Tried

I have already tried defining the variable before the function call and then changing it in the done() method, like so:

var number; //initialize variable

    url: 'urlhere.php',
    type: 'GET',
    data: {text: text},
    success: function(data) {

        var getNumber = countNumber();
        getNumber.done(function(data) {

            number = data;


        let newContent = 
        "The number is "+
        number; //console.log's "undefined"


This only makes the variable equal to undefined, so I don’t think anything inside the done() method is able to change existing variables. Any ideas? Let me know if there is any confusion. Thanks.



  1. It seems getNumber.done() is asyncronous. Which means it takes a while to update the the value of number;

    You may do this:

        url: 'urlhere.php',
        type: 'GET',
        data: {text: text},
        success: function(data) {
            var getNumber = countNumber();
            getNumber.done(function(data) {
                number = data;
                let newContent = "The number is "+ number; //console.log's "undefined"
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  2. Your problem is that the code is asynchronous so the number variable won’t be assigned just after you can the done() function.

    var getNumber = countNumber();
    getNumber.done(function(data) {
        number = data;
    // number won't exist here.
    let newContent =   "The number is "+ number; //console.log's "undefined"

    What you can do:

    • Use a promise and use resolve on the done() callback. You will need to await after it.
    • Call a function from .done() callback and keep your process from there

    Something like this:

        var getNumber = countNumber();
        getNumber.done(function(data) {
            number = data;
            // Your code should flow from here.
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